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Hi everybody, sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I have been
feeling my way around. I am Michael Liew from Australia. I have been on
this list for about 2 months but have only contributed a little to the
discussions. Both my wife and myself follow the list with great
interest. Hopefully, as our trading experience increases we can
contribute more to the list (unless of course you want dodgy comments
from us ;-)  ).

I work full time with an Oil and Gas company, 5 days a week. I bought my
first share in 1986. I started dabbling with shares as an investment in
1992. While there was no great successes it has been profitable, but
only just. Since getting married in 1995 I introduced my wife, Monika,
to the sharemarket and our dabbling in shares became more active but
still based on fundamentals analysis alone. In June 97, we bought
MetaStock 6 to get into Technical Analysis and are still climbing the
learning curve. We have one child and another is coming. Monika nows
trades the market and looks after the kid. We are looking at using
OmniTrader to search for worthwhile trading opportunities, then apply MS
to conduct in-depth analysis.

While both of us are highly interested in share trading I am not
convinced enough to quit my full time job to trade. Anyone disagrees? 

As for the recent posts about Asia financial markets, what I can say is
that although Japan is looking likely to recover from it long slump the
latest financial problems in Asia (eg Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines)
will delay the recovery for probably another 6-12 months. The problems
in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia are much larger then most people on
the outside  understand. They have basically spent beyond their means.
The worst part is it is mostly in property construction or related
infrastructure. Take the example of the steel industry in Thailand that
produces sub-quality steel that was going to feed the construction boom.
Because it was sub-quality no one wanted it. Now the boom is over its
got no hope at all. For your information there is or will be a major
glut of hotel rooms in Indonesia. Invest in Asia, yes, but please watch
your charts carefully

That's my 2 cents worth. It is no investment advice but you have been

Last but not least. Does anyone have information on how to access
MetaStock data directly (not through MS). I would like to develop some
computer program to generate market statistics. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

Our e-mail addresses are:	Michael Liew, michael_liew@xxxxxxxxxxxx
				Monika Pratignyo,

Michael Liew