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I quit TS2ki two years ago.  I beta tested TS6 and went back to TS2ki.
Now I use Multicharts 6 Beta 2.  I'm sure it doesn't have all the
bells and whistles that TS8.7 has but it actually works and even this
beta unit is easier to use than any TS I ever used.  I started with
TS4.  It is easy to learn as it is nearly exactly like TS2ki's setup.
That is where is stops.  You can feed it with the Global Server but I
gave that up.  Too much trouble.  I has on demand and can connect to
lots of feeds.  I use Esignal.  It is very fast. I use tick charts and
minute charts, five minute also.  Yes you can import tick data and it
builds minute and daily.  I'm a terrible hog user so I do
overload it from time to time but it is so easy to recover.  No
rebooting not even when you install a new version. I don't use all
the features so I can't tell you all the bells and whistles.  Trading
is not a complex deal for me.  I probably don't have the IQ for all that
complex stuff.  One cool feature that seems like a game to me is
playback. It plays the current symbol and chart indicators
just like a recorder from any start date you want at any speed.  You
simply click on a window with a calandar pick a day, momth and year
then play the chart forward at any speed you want.  Fun.  Probably
helpful.  Especially for someone that wants to test themselves or a
system.  Yeah all Ts2ki systems etc. import automatically to it.
Same EL Code and more.

All I'm saying is someday try it.  They allow a 30 day trial.
I will never go back to the Cruz boys.
Multicharts also implements things we ask for.

I would never use some mickey mouse broker like the Cruz boys have.  I
was a broker for nine years and saw a bunch of little guys go bust.
Sure there is insurance but if you have a margin account you never
know when you will get your money out.  You don't know if your
positions will be closed.  Not for me.  I know too much about how that
stuff works.

No I have no connection with them.  It isn't as full featured yet as
TS8.7 but it is way more than I need.

Enough said.  Thanks to all of you for all the help over the years.
Everyone knows I love to help if I can.

Big thanks to Mark Brown, who I have actually met and know him for the
man he really is.

Jimmy Snowden
Still lurking