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Re: Fw: Including lines in custom functions...

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On Sun, 21 Dec 1997 06:55:41 +0700, you wrote:

>if you want to plot 0 and 100 as the horizontal line, just add this line:
>...; (the indicator)

Hi Yuwono,

That was a wonderful post and a discovery for me......

eg:  <Indicator Formula>;0.9;0.1

Yields two lines, one at 0.9 and one at 0.1

However they are both the same color as the indicator.

Now the question?  Is there a function the color these lines...


Could something like HLine(0.9,0.1,Y,W) be implemented in a release to
mean place an horizontal line at 0.9, 0.1 [Y]ellow in color, and
[W]ide weight in aspect?

Just a thought.....

-= Chris ß =-