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Mechanical Trading-1998 Update

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I would like to start this thread for several reasons:

A.There was a survey done last year of realtraders and only 6 people 
reported making $12,000 per year or more in trading.Looking at the 
talent out there I find this hard to believe.

B.Many people closely guard exactly how they trade and make money and 
perhaps this will start a fulcrum to open up.

C.Without some knowledge of the above it is often difficult to decide 
whose posts to take seriously.After a year plus I do have some 
insights on this but can never be sure.

I am not a brain surgeon but rather a Family Practitioner.I believe 
learning how to trade commodities depends more on your personal 
make-up and methodology rather than the number of years you are at it.

Most of the moneyI have lost since I started in 1997 was through my 
own discretionary trading.All of the money I have made has been 
through mechanical systems and overcame the other losses.After 6 
months trading Master Suite last year I made $150,000.

1998 to date has been a more difficult year for me.Master Suite did 
not perform as in the past and I had to adjust my portfolio much as 
one would adjust a stock portfolio.The out come was the overcoming of 
a massive drawdown and currently being over $100,000 in the black.I 
rank the systems I use or used as follows:

1.Dual Thrust in the right markets properly capitalized.My primary 
system at present.

2.Master Suite.I am not trading it right now but will resume in 1999 
with just one suite at 3 x margin.It has had an awful '98 and I saw it 
coming and added Dual Thrust in March.

3.Futures Pro in the markets I mentioned.www.essextrading.com
Up a consistent 50% to 100% per year.

4.Professional Advantage Day Trader.Made 50% in 8 months but I got 
greedy and temporarily stopped.

5.CPR is profitable but I am waiting to capitalize it properly before 
I trade seriously.Has made 50% to 100% per year since introduction.

6.Trend Reflections.Profitable but too many markets to watch for me.

7.Bob Buran.Not truly mechanical and I traded it for another system 
which I have not used yet.

8.Commando Day Trader hypothetically great but real time not good 
enough for me.Same with the position trader.I am currently 
experimenting or plan to experiment with those below:

9.An always in the market S&P system which takes intraday signals 
instead of end of day.Its logic is so good it cross trades 
Bonds,Nasdaq,SF,DM and others.It was developed by a fellow realtrader.

10.A day trading system  as good or better in performance and 
acceptable drawdown as any I have seen.Also developed by a fellow 

One of these is in private realtime testing phase for refinement.The 
other is in flux.

Personal and list comments requiring response are welcome.

