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Re: stock to buy- GPRE

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> Ethanol seems to be part of the future and works great for us.

A small part.  Tiny, in fact.

And it will always be a small part, never replacing oil.

According to http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/52/25/36760950.pdf (pp
10-11) ...if ethanol were to replace just the U.S. petroleum use,
it would require about 75% of ALL cultivated land on the planet,
leaving almost nothing left for food, and no ethanol for other

But it will probably always be around at some small level as long
as we're using petroleum, and as long as taxpayers are willing to
subsidize its production.

Back to the subject of GPRE stock, it's probably a good short-term
play.  I just want to caution folks about jumping on an alternative
energy bandwagon because of a popular/political misconception about
the long-term future of a specific energy source.  Ethanol doesn't
seem like it will ever be practical on a scale large enough to
matter.  Short term, it looks good.  Long term, it would be best to
find some other alternative energy market to invest in. That's my
opinion, for what it's worth.
