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Re: Re: Win2K , VMware, Linux

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> Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:26:36 -0500 
> From: "Sam West" <samwest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> Subject: Re: Win2K , VMware, Linux 
> For a Linux newbie, would you recommend opensuse?

If you have ANY Unix experience then any Linux is
fine.  OpenSuse or Red Hat provide a lot of

If you have NO Unix / Linux experience then pay the
100 or 200 dollars for VMware.  The first install is a
pain, but once up, VMware is simple.


Don't wish to pay?
Microsoft has their own free Microsoft VM called
Virtual PC.  

In theory, Microsoft Virtual PC should be faster then
VMware since Microsoft has the source code and can
make undocumented system calls.  In practice VMware
benchmarks FASTER then Microsoft.  OpenSuse is about
same speed or a bit faster then Microsoft.

Linux / OpenSuse is very secure.
VMware is as secure / unsecure as the host OS.
The MS Virtual PC security is untested at this time.

Special problems: 
Since the Microsoft Virtual PC is very very
restrictive, you might wind up with a hassle after a
crash and failed restore attempt.  With OpenSuse or
VMware, you can 'fix' certain licensing problems with
NewSID or with c***k tools.  Some c***k tools and root
kit discovery tools may not work with the Microsoft
Virtual PC product. 


The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
- Ann Landers