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Re: Off topic: how to clean up memory for faster launches ...(part1)

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<DIV><FONT size=2>The Mem sure is a problem to many users (including myself at 
first with my own PC-use).</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Below are some answers to your related DOS/Win 
<DIV><FONT size=2>Further below is more info on the mem, now from the Knowledge 
Base article-Q37242.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT size=2></FONT></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>
<DIV><FONT size=2>From the zip-file mentioned in a previous mail (and now also 
mentioned below):</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT size=2>99-How to Increase Conventional Memory for 
MS-DOS-Based Programs<BR><A 
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Regards,<BR>Ton Maas<BR><A 
href="mailto:ms-irb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx";>ms-irb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx</A><BR>Dismiss the 
".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying.<BR><BR><BR>----- Original 
Message ----- <BR>From: Vitaly Larichev &lt;<A 
href="mailto:vitaly@xxxxxxxxxxxxx";>vitaly@xxxxxxxxxxxxx</A>&gt;<BR>To: &lt;<A 
dinsdag 11 mei 1999 18:51<BR>Subject: Off topic: how to clean up memory for 
faster launches ...<BR><BR><BR>&gt; Hi everybody,<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Need your 
advice, please. I use an old DOS plotting program to eyeball intraday 
charts.<BR>&gt; With freshly booted PC, it runs nicely together with my usual 
stack of other applications<BR>&gt; like Metastock, a few Web programs 
including&nbsp; Netscape 4.51 with 3-4 windows opened<BR>&gt; 
simultaneously.<BR><BR>Since DOS and Windows can inter-act in an easy-way, this 
should indeed be of no<BR>problems.<BR>However, do remember that for your PC the 
OS is Win (and not DOS) and naturaly the Win<BR>is now the sole active OS, and 
on top of that, that naturaly also your GUI-environment is<BR>now also Win, and 
here comes, AND that you are now also running another, but now (as<BR>a 
seperate) virtual PC-machine, eg as the DOS (boxed) program (is also 
active).<BR><BR>Normaly, like said before, all these active OS's do not bite 
each other, but combined, puts<BR>a hell of a burden on the (for everyone's 
PC-machines) already too small Conventional<BR>Memory (for a single 
OS-alone).<BR>For more on this subject see my previous memory raleted 
problems-mail to the 
List:<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Date: Thursday, 
May 06, 1999 3:55 PM<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
Subject: Re: imaging programs</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>(Note: The Microsft Support's Knowledge Base's&nbsp;<FONT 
size=2>article printed below was originaly not (yet)</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2><FONT 
size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; included 
</FONT></FONT><FONT size=2><FONT size=2>in the in the mail mentioned 
"KB-Memory.zip" zip-file).</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&gt; However, after I open and close (!) a 
number of other applications,<BR>&gt; the DOS plotter starts to launch so slowly 
that it's just a pain. I suspect (although<BR>&gt; my expertise here is quite 
limited) that as a DOS stuff the plotter is very stringent in<BR>&gt; its 
conventional memory requirement while those others applications are not 
good<BR>&gt; enough in cleaning after themselves when they close. Is there a 
software and/or tricks<BR>&gt; to help in such cases?<BR><BR>Yes.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Visualise the Memory (in general) as a "building without 
stairways", but with room to</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>install (an) elevator(s). Then:</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><BR><FONT size=2>Remember that everytime you start to run a program, a 
program's unique kick-file<BR>(=usualy a text-string attached to exe's or dll's 
etc.) will always (and needs to) get<BR>loaded first, in the BASE mem, eg to 
enable (at least) to run (eg to load the rest of)<BR>a program ('s files), of 
which program(s), the to be loaded program's extensive<BR>(program's own) 
program files will then get loaded (done by the kick-file) in the 
higher<BR>memory areas (High,UMB, EMS,XMS) using the OS's own 
MemManager.<BR><BR>This kick-file is not larger then 2kB, but the more you run 
any programs, the more<BR>kick-files will have to be loaded into the BASE mem 
(as well, apart from all the other<BR>things, like files and variables, that are 
already loaded in the BASE mem), eg to<BR>at least enable the execution of 
load-instructions in the kick program, to get the<BR>to be runned programs' 
files to load(ed) into the higher memory areas), eg creating<BR>the common 
suffication of the PC-mem (=BASE).<BR>These kick-files cannot get unloaded from 
Mem and some are known as TSR's, but<BR>a TSR is not always the same as a 
kick-file (program files' text string), unless the PC<BR>gets rebooted (an 
demagnitise the mem).<BR>This is standard PC-procedure, and is not related to 
OS's like DOS or Win.<BR>Only Intel (80386) or AMD (?) or other motherboard 
manufacturers (chip bakers) can</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>provide the users with (the mean) programs having access 
controll over the BASE</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>mem (conventional&nbsp;mem).<BR>However, these companies have 
tried this creating of a mem-access-program for<BR>over the past 4 decades, and 
so far failed to do so. This then is not so strange, as<BR>the BASE mem is only 
a magnetic, present onboard/inchip/inprocessor, activated<BR>copper mem, eg 
PC-switch On and it will&nbsp;magnetise, Off and it will release</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>(demagnitise).&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR><BR>Do not open anymore other 
programs than are already necessary to do your<BR>monitoring, eg open/run only 
those programs that are required by you at that time<BR>of the session. Then run 
any other programs in a later stage, eg at a time when<BR>the PC is not 
"over-loaded"(see above).<BR><BR>To have these session(s) restricted &amp; 
managable (by you the user), you could<BR>(and very easy) write AutoIt or 
ScriptIt's scriptbatches, eg holding commands to<BR>temporarely disactivate the 
Windows Scheduler-program and then to start running<BR>the very few programs, 
that are required (as usual) in your monitor-session.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&gt; With all 
this frustration I am getting close to giving up<BR>&gt; and rewrite my stuff 
for using a Windows plotter which is a more flexible,<BR>&gt; but ... "hope dies 
last".<BR><BR>Naturaly, working in a Win-OS this would be your best 
bet.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&gt; Any ideas what can I do here if not to reboot?<BR><BR>See 
above.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&gt; Thank you very much for any suggestions.<BR>&gt; 
<BR>&gt; I run Win98 on P166 MMX with 64 Mb RAM.<BR><BR>The amount(Mb) of RAM is 
here irrelevant (see above on the BASE mem).<BR>RAM is the extra mem you add to 
the XMS. Since Win-OS ships with the<BR>virtual mem as feature, eg as a standard 
file on disk(eg the Swap-file), it<BR>will also automaticaly regulate its 
endless memory capacities. However,<BR>with/when installing extra RAM, you will 
only speed-up the (I/O writing/reading)<BR>processes that naturaly occure 
between PC's hardware, when working in any</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>program. The greater the program uses Mem (i.e. Excel, Word, 
<DIV><FONT size=2>programs like MetaStock, Scanning etc.) the faster you will 
compute when</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>extra RAM is installed.<BR>But Win95 is sufficient enough 
using 32Mb-64Mb and NT using 64+Mb-128Mb.<BR>The Swapfile can, for its maximum, 
increase&nbsp;to a max of twice(2x) the installed</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>physical RAM, eg the by you+manufacturer's added mem-chips, 
also it will</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>need 2-2.5 times the installed physical RAM's capacity as 
space for the</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>(swap) file, that is installed as an OS file on disk (usualy 
<DIV><FONT size=2>to enable to increase to its full max.<BR><BR>&gt; Please 
respond privately if it's not of interest to the most of list members.<BR>&gt; 
<BR>&gt; Cheers, Vitaly<BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; P.S. Tried also IE5 instead of Netscape 
4.51. It makes things even worse.<BR><BR>Inter Explorer is a huge mem consumer 
as well (see above), and the reason why<BR>a lot of Microsoft's program are huge 
memory consumers is that their programs<BR>ship with advanced, user friendly and 
very High Tech-technologies, providing<BR>users with the best advantages 
(currently) available.<BR>Naturaly, these (all, when the "full" installation was 
applied) will have to be loaded<BR>as well, eg to enable user to operate on and 
with them (the advantages).&nbsp; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>
<P>Article ID: Q37242 
<P><B>Last Reviewed:</B><BR>January 1, 1999 
<P>Provided by <A href="http://support.microsoft.com/support/default.asp?FR=0"; 
target=_top>Support Online</A> from Microsoft Product Support Services. 
<DIV><FONT size=2>
<H1>A General Tutorial on the Various Forms of Memory</H1>2.x 3.x 4.x 5.x 6.00 
6.20 6.21 6.22 MS-DOS kbhw kbdisplay 
<P>The information in this article applies to: 
  <LI>Microsoft MS-DOS operating system versions 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.0, 6.2, 
  6.21, 6.22 </LI></UL>
<P>This article provides a general description of the different forms of memory 
available in the MS-DOS environment on PC and PS/2 systems. It also discusses 
what kinds of software use these different areas, and what drivers are needed to 
create and control some of these areas. 
<P>The first section of this article, "The Memory Map," shows a memory map that 
outlines the layout of these different forms of memory. The next section, "Types 
of Memory," discusses the major forms of memory, and their physical and logical 
components and drivers. The "Equations" section gives some handy equations for 
showing how these areas of memory can be used or emulated. After this is the 
"Memory Drivers" section, which gives a brief description of the memory 
management device drivers mentioned in this article. The last section, "Further 
Reading," gives additional reading material for more information on some of 
these forms of memory. 
<P>There are many forms of memory: conventional, extended, EMS, XMA, and XMS. 
Below is a description of each form of memory, and how they relate; because 
there are many relationships, you may have to read the following material twice 
to eliminate any references to undefined terms. 
<H3>The Memory Map</H3>
<P>The following is an illustration that shows the various components of memory 
that are available (please note that it is a very general map): 
<P><PRE>    32M +--------------------------------------------+
        |                                            |
        | expanded memory board                      | ----+
        |                                            |     |
      0 +--------------------------------------------+     |
        +------------------------------------------- +     |
        |                                            |     |
        | built-in memory                            |     |
        |                                            |     |
    nM* +--------------------------------------------+     |
        |                                            |     |
        | extended memory (1M-nM*)                   |     |
        |                                            |     |
        +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +     |
        |                                            |     |
        | high memory area (FFFF:0010-FFFF:FFFFh)    |     |
        |                                            |     |
     1M +--------------------------------------------+     |
        |                                            |     |
        | upper memory area (640K-1M)                |     |
        |                                            |     |
        +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +     |
        |                                            |     |
        | expanded memory page frame (64K)           | &lt;---+
        |                                            |
        +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
        |                                            |
   640K +--------------------------------------------+
        |                                            |
        | extended BIOS data area (1K)               |
        |                                            |
   639K +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
        |                                            |
        | conventional memory (0K-640K)              |
        |                                            |
      0 +--------------------------------------------+

        |                                            |
        | IBM expanded memory adapter (XMA)          |
        |                                            |

</PRE>* nM = 16 MB on an 80286, 4 gigabytes on an 80386 
<H3>Types of Memory</H3>
  <LI>Conventional Memory 
  <P>Intel 8086 systems can address 1 MB of memory. (Later systems can address 
  more, in other modes.) On PC and PS/2 systems, this is divided into the 
  conventional memory area and the upper memory area (UMA). 
  <P>The conventional memory area is the 0K-640K section of "normal" memory. 
  This area of memory is used by MS-DOS and normal application software. 
  <P>The UMA is the 640K-1 MB section of memory that normally contains video 
  adapter buffers, network card buffers, and other buffers and work areas for 
  peripherals and the ROM BIOS. It is also normally used on EMS systems to store 
  the expanded memory page frame. This area of memory is normally used by the 
  ROM BIOS and peripherals, such as the expanded memory manager. </P>
  <LI>Extended Memory 
  <P>The extended memory area is an area of memory that is available only on 
  80286 and 80386 systems. This memory begins at 1 MB. On 80286 systems, the 
  upper limit is 16 MB; on 80386 systems, the upper limit is 4 gigabytes. This 
  memory is only addressable while in protected mode. It is normally used by 
  systems software (RAMDrive, SMARTDrive, VDISK, EMM386.SYS, XMAEM.SYS, and 
  <P>Built-in memory (BIM) is a form of memory that exists on Compaq and some 
  other 80386 OEM systems. These systems have 1 MB of conventional memory on 
  their motherboard, and this extra 384K of "built-in memory" is mapped to the 
  top of extended memory, because the UMA already occupies the upper 384K of 
  conventional memory. This area of memory is normally used by systems software. 
  HIMEM.SYS uses this memory and includes it in its extended memory blocks, if 
  it is available. (Other OEM systems also have 384K of otherwise unused memory 
  on their motherboard. A common place for this memory to be mapped into is the 
  first section of extended memory.) </P>
  <LI>EMS Memory 
  <P>An expanded memory board is a separate board that contains EMS memory of up 
  to 32 MB, which can be addressed on any Intel 80x86 system by paging 16K 
  portions of memory into the expanded memory page frame, located in the UMA. 
  <P>The expanded memory page frame, normally located in the UMA, is a 
  collection of 16K physical pages from which an application program accesses 
  expanded memory. These page frames are memory frames paged in from the 
  expanded memory board. This area of memory is controlled exclusively by the 
  expanded memory manager (such as EMM386.SYS), which is in turn called by 
  systems software (such as Buffers/X, Fastopen/X, SMARTDrive, RAMDrive, VDISK, 
  MSCDEX, and Windows) and applications software (such as Excel and the 
  Programmer's Library). 
  <P>Alternatively, 80386 systems can use 80386-specific features to emulate EMS 
  memory by paging 16K portions of memory into the expanded memory page frame, 
  as always located in the UMA. EMM386, QEMM, and 386MAX are examples of this 
  software. </P>
  <LI>XMA Memory 
  <P>An IBM expanded memory adapter (XMA) is a separate board that contains IBM 
  (or compatible) XMA memory, which can be addressed as either expanded memory 
  or extended memory, with the appropriate software drivers. </P>
  <LI>XMS Memory 
  <P>XMS memory is the collection of the UMA and the extended memory area, and 
  is controlled by an extended memory manager (XMM) such as HIMEM.SYS. The 
  extended memory area is only available on 80286 and 80386 systems. The 
  extended memory area is broken up into two logical areas by the XMM: the high 
  memory area (HMA) and extended memory blocks. Thus, XMS memory consists of the 
  UMA, the HMA, and the extended memory area. 
  <P>The HMA is 64K of memory located at the beginning of the extended memory 
  area. It exists only on 80286 and 80386 systems with extended memory. This 
  area only exists in a controlled, easily accessible manner when HIMEM.SYS or 
  another XMS driver is installed. This area of memory is controlled exclusively 
  by the extended memory manager (such as HIMEM.SYS), which is in turn called by 
  systems software (such as Windows) and applications software. 
  <P>Upper memory blocks (UMBs) are blocks of memory that are available on some 
  80286 and 80386 systems, and are located in the UMA. The number, size, and 
  location of these blocks vary widely, depending upon the types of hardware 
  adapter cards installed in the machine. The XMS specification creates these 
  abstract data types. (HIMEM.SYS does not implement UMBs; in MS-DOS 5.0 and 
  later, EMM386.EXE does.) 
  <P>Extended memory blocks (EMBs) are blocks of extended memory. The XMS 
  specification creates these abstract data types. This area can only be used 
  for data storage (that is, they cannot be used to store code). EMBs exist to 
  allow systems and applications software to allocate extended memory, which is 
  otherwise very difficult to address and manipulate in a controlled manner. 
<P>The following are some rules and "equations" for combining, modifying, and 
emulating memory to make it useful: 
<P><PRE>   &lt;XMS memory&gt; = &lt;extended memory&gt; + HIMEM.SYS

   &lt;XMS memory including UMBS&gt; = &lt;80386 system&gt; + &lt;extended memory&gt; +
                   HIMEM.SYS + EMM386.EXE (version 4.33.06x or later)

   &lt;XMA memory&gt; = proprietary memory adapter of IBM

   &lt;EMS memory&gt; = usable by MS-DOS and applications

   &lt;extended memory&gt; = usable by some applications

   &lt;XMA memory&gt; = &lt;80386 system&gt; + &lt;extended memory&gt; + XMAEM.SYS

   &lt;EMS memory&gt; = &lt;80386 system&gt; + &lt;extended memory&gt; +
                  EMM386.SYS (version 4.0)

   &lt;EMS memory&gt; = &lt;80386 system&gt; + &lt;extended memory&gt; + HIMEM.SYS +
                  EMM386.SYS or EMM386.EXE (version 4.10.0419 or later)

</PRE>This means the two-stage system needed by IBM PC-DOS owners to convert 
their 80386 extended memory into EMS memory is as follows: 
<P><PRE>   &lt;EMS memory&gt; = &lt;80386 system&gt; + &lt;extended memory&gt; + XMAEM.SYS +

</PRE>The one state processed is needed by Microsoft MS-DOS users to convert 
their 80386 systems to EMS memory is as follows: 
<P><PRE>   &lt;EMS memory&gt; = &lt;80386 system&gt; + &lt;extended memory&gt; +
                  EMM386.SYS (version 4.0)

   &lt;EMS memory&gt; = &lt;80386 system&gt; + &lt;extended memory&gt; + HIMEM.SYS +
                  EMM386.SYS (version 4.10.0419)

   &lt;EMS memory&gt; = &lt;80386 system&gt; + &lt;extended memory&gt; + HIMEM.SYS +
                  EMM386.EXE (version 4.20.06x)

</PRE>If you have an 80386 system, extended memory, and MS-DOS, you can use 
EMM386.SYS to obtain EMS memory. If you have the same system and memory with IBM 
PC-DOS, you must use two drivers, XMAEM.SYS and XMA2EMS.SYS, to achieve EMS 
<P>If you have an 80286 system and want to use your extended memory as EMS 
memory, you will not be able to use the existing drivers included with MS-DOS. 
Some of these extended memory boards come with EMS emulators, which can be used. 

<H3>Memory Drivers</H3>
<P>The Microsoft driver HIMEM.SYS takes over 80286 and 80386 extended memory, 
converting it to the extended memory area of the XMS specification. It also 
takes the first 64K of this extended memory area and converts it into the HMA. 
<P>The IBM PC-DOS version 4.0 driver XMAEM.SYS takes IBM PS/2 Model 80 80386 
extended memory and uses it to emulate IBM XMA memory. (Used in conjunction with 
the XMA2EMS.SYS driver, it is possible to use this memory as EMS memory.) 
<P>The IBM PC-DOS version 4.0 driver XMA2EMS.SYS takes IBM XMA memory (or the 
emulated XMA memory created by the XMAEM.SYS driver) and uses it to emulate 
LIM/EMS memory. 
<P>The Microsoft MS-DOS version 4.0 driver EMM386.SYS takes 80386 extended 
memory and uses it to emulate LIM/EMS memory. 
<P>For more information on LIM/EMS memory, refer to the official specification, 
the "Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification Version 4.0," available 
free from Intel by calling (800) 538-3373. 
<P>For more information on XMS memory, refer to the official specification, the 
"eXtended Memory Specification Version 3.0," available free from Microsoft. To 
obtain the specification, see the "Instructions for Downloading" section below. 
<P>For more information on the extended BIOS data area of IBM PS/2 and 
compatible OEM systems, refer to the "IBM PS/2 and PC BIOS Interface Technical 
Reference," part number 68X2260, available from IBM by calling (800) IBM-PCTB. 
(Another reference that contains similar material is the Microsoft Press book 
"Programmer's Quick Reference Series: IBM ROM BIOS," by Ray Duncan, ISBN 
<P>For more information on Compaq built-in memory (BIM), refer to the "Compaq 
DeskPro 386(TM) Personal Computer Technical Reference Guide," available from 
<H3>Instructions for Downloading</H3>
<P>The file XMS.EXE contains the Extended Memory Specification version 3.0, 
including text-formatted XMS versions 2.0 and 3.0, sample source code for an XMS 
2.0 driver, a C library for the XMS 2.0 functions, test programs for an XMS 2.0 
driver, and HIMEM.SYS version 2.04. The following files are included in XMS.EXE: 

<P><PRE>XMS      EXE       167,786 06-05-92   2:00a
CLIB     EXE        22,829 06-05-92   2:00a
OEMSRC   EXE        43,875 06-05-92   2:00a
SPEC     EXE        38,277 06-05-92   3:00a
TESTS    EXE        44,238 06-05-92   2:00a
HIMEM    SYS         6,261 08-15-88   2:04a
README   TXT         3,705 06-05-92   3:00a
        9 file(s)        326,971 bytes

</PRE>The following file(s) are available for download from the Microsoft 
Software Library: 
<P><PRE> ~ Xms.exe <I>(size: 167786 bytes)</I> 

</PRE>For more information about downloading files from the Microsoft Software 
Library, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 
<P><PRE>   ARTICLE-ID: <B>Q119591</B>
   TITLE     : How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
</PRE>KBCategory: kbhw kbdisplay KBSubcategory: msdos winmem Additional 
reference words: 6.22 5.00 5.00a 6.00 6.20 <PRE>Keywords          : msdos winmem 
Version           : 2.x 3.x 4.x 5.x 6.00 6.20 6.21 6
Platform          : MS-DOS</PRE><!-- ----------- PAGE TEXT ENDS ABOVE HERE ----------- -->
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<DIV><FONT size=2>-Re: Off topic: memory vs resource</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;Please, do not change mail's subjects !!! (If U2 want 
info to be easy accessable)</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>-MemTurbo is not the answer to Vitaly's problem, since it is 
not an independent</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;(from OS, eg Win) memory manager. Only you, 
yourself&nbsp;are the&nbsp;best MemManager.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;See&nbsp;previous mails</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;"Re: Off topic: how to clean up memory for faster 
launches ...(part-1)</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;and "Re: Imaging Porgrams".</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>-Beware of the in's and out's in memory usage, when changing 
the Desk-top</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;setting to&nbsp;Network Server setting, as it will also 
use up 40kB in BASE mem</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;(max= 640kB conventional mem),&nbsp;eg the already from 
spacing shortage</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;sufficating standard&nbsp;on </FONT><FONT size=2>PC 
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=2>Also, but this is not mentioned in 
the article below and which I have not tested</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;in full,&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=2>using a 
PC&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=2>as a&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=2>server for type, will 
naturaly, as a server is not a workstation,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;put the&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=2>greatest 
burdon&nbsp;<FONT size=2>on the processor-capacities/usage, 
eg&nbsp;</FONT></FONT><FONT size=2>a server is set</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;to provide&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=2>fast trafficing of 
files environment ONLY (thus high in I/O Cache-ing usage),</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;&nbsp;whereas for&nbsp;emphasis,&nbsp;</FONT><FONT 
size=2>a&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=2>workstation(=desktop)&nbsp;</FONT><FONT 
size=2>is set to provide a fast</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;&lt;</FONT><FONT size=2>inter-acting between 
pc's&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=2>programs and</FONT><FONT size=2> 
user&gt;&nbsp;</FONT><FONT size=2>environment (thus high in I/O GUI 
<DIV><FONT size=2>&nbsp;(where I/O = Input/Output communicating, eg 
reading/writing) .</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=2>Regards,<BR>Ton Maas<BR><A 
href="mailto:ms-irb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx";>ms-irb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx</A><BR>Dismiss the 
".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><FONT size=2>
<P align=left><FONT face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=2>Last reviewed: January 
22, 1999</FONT><BR><FONT face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=2>Article ID: 
<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><FONT size=2>
<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="90%" VALIGN="top">
    <TD vAlign=top>
      <H1>Definition of the "Typical Role of This Machine" 
<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="90%" VALIGN="top">
    <TD><FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2>The information in this 
      article applies to: 
        <LI>Microsoft Windows 98 
        <LI>Microsoft Windows 95 </LI></UL>
      <P>This article describes the purpose of the Typical Role Of This Machine 
      setting in File System properties. 
      <P>You can set the Typical Role Of This Machine setting to the following 
        <LI>Desktop Computer 
        <LI>Mobile Or Docking System 
        <LI>Network Server 
        <P></P></LI></UL>The setting you use controls the size of various internal 
      data structures used by the 32-bit file access driver (VFAT) that are used 
      to optimize disk space. 
      <P>When you use the Desktop Computer setting, VFAT allocates memory to 
      record the 32 most recently accessed folders and the 677 most recently 
      accessed files. This consumes approximately 10K of memory. 
      <P>When you use the Mobile Or Docking System setting, VFAT allocates 
      memory to record the 16 most recently accessed folders and the 337 most 
      recently accessed files. This consumes approximately 5K of memory. 
      <P>When you use the Network Server setting, VFAT allocates memory to 
      record the 64 most recently accessed folders and the 2729 most recently 
      accessed files. This consumes approximately 40K of memory. 
      <P>To change the Typical Role Of This Computer setting, follow these 
        <LI>In Control Panel, double-click the System icon. 
        <LI>On the Performance tab, click File System. 
        <LI>On the Hard Disk tab, click the setting you want to use in the 
        Typical Role Of This Computer box, and then click OK. 
        <P></P></LI></OL>For information about known problems with these settings, 
      please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 
      <P><PRE>   ARTICLE-ID: <B>Q138012</B>
   TITLE : Incorrect Settings for File System Performance Profiles</PRE><PRE>&nbsp;</PRE>
      <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
        <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
          <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
            <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
              <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
                <BLOCKQUOTE style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px"><PRE><FONT face=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica size=1>Last reviewed: January 22, 1999<BR><!--LAST_REVIEWED_DATE_END--><!--COPYRIGHT_START-->© 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.</FONT></PRE></BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER></FONT></BODY></HTML>
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I'm glad to see that the LOL's and <G>'s have been replaced by a more
substantial and serious discussion.

It appears that this "cure" little worm caught some/many (?) of us with our
anti-virus "pants down".

I wonder how many listers actually got hit and it will take them a while to
talk about it ... not wanting to face jeers of the LOL's and <G>'s crowd.

Best regards to those cleaning up the mess and re-evaluating their systems
... in silence.
