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Website where you can find RT and EOD Data

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Hi all,
I see sometimes a question where to find some files with quotations, possibly with ability to update day by day.

I use data available on www.gielda.cov.pl. Unfortunately for most of you (excl. me, Tomasz and Witold - lucky we) this site is in
Polish only. However finding files and downloading them is not difficult and you don't have to have extensive Polish language
knowledge. To help you please find bellow detailed polish -> english translation and step by step instruction:

Webmaster: Tomasz Kulawik
Website: Gielda.civ.pl

Interesting for us is the second menu on the left side. Its name is "Bazy danych" [GB: Databases]
In this menu there are:
a/ . Pliki do MetaStock'a [GB: Metastock files] - where you can find daily data (in PRN format-easy to import in Amibroker as ASCII
after creating raw structure definition)
b/ . PRN OnLine - not important
c/ . Indeksy Intraday [GB: Indexes Intraday] - to generate intraday data
d/ . Waluty Intraday [GB: Currencies Intraday] - to generate intraday data
e/ . Dane Historyczne [GB: Historical data] - where you can find databases with all historical quotations
f/ . Spis Walorów w Bazie [GB: Securities index in databases]
g/ . Kody GPW - not important
i/ . Jak Downlodować? - not important

To find what is in the base please go to:
Option: Securities index in databases [PL: Spis Walorow w Bazie]

1.Baza danych GPW	[GB: WSE quotations - Poland]
2.Baza danych intraday [GB: Intraday quotations] - WSE Index and companies and DAX, DJIA, Nasdaq, S&P500 as well.
3.Baza danych CTO [GB: OTC Market in Poland]
4.Indeksy [GB: Indexes] - 60 world indexes (including Australian one ;-)
5.Towary [GB: Commodities] - 25 futures contracts
6.Waluty	[GB: Currencies] - 40 currencies (20 in relation to USD and 20 in relation to EUR)
7.Spółki składowe indeksu DJIA [GB: 30 Companies that are in DJIA index]

To download historical data (MS format - easy to import in Amibroker) please go to:
Option: Dane Historyczne [GB: Historical data]

You will find there something like this:

Data i godzina	Plik	Rozmiar	Pobrań
[GB: Date and Time	File	Size	Downloads]
11/17/2001 09:00 cto.zip 84 kB 1 706	[OTC Market]
11/17/2001 09:00 djia.zip 3 042 kB 2 090	[DJIA]
11/17/2001 09:00 gpw.zip 3 176 kB 4 074	[WSE]
11/17/2001 09:00 indeksy.zip 2 677 kB 3 572	[Indexes]
11/17/2001 09:00 intraday.zip 10 840 kB 4 859	[Intraday]
11/17/2001 09:00 pieniezny.zip 668 kB 1 475	[Money Market]
11/17/2001 09:00 towary.zip 1 494 kB 2 364	[Commodities]
11/17/2001 09:00 waluty.zip 3 003 kB 2 991	[Currencies]

When you have historical data already then you have to daily download PRN files with daily data.
To download daily data please go to:
Option: Pliki do MetaStock'a [GB: Metastock files] - in fact there are no metastock files but PRN (ASCII) ones.

You will find there something like this:

Notowania dzienne [GB: Daily quotes]
Data i godzina Plik Rozmiar Pobrań
[GB: Date and Time	File	Size	Downloads]
11/17/2001 00:42 20011116.zip 10 kB 152

Notowania intraday [GB: Intraday quotes]
Data i godzina Plik Rozmiar Pobrań
[GB: Date and Time	File	Size	Downloads]
11/17/2001 00:42 20011116-i.zip 53 kB 129

You can also generate your own intraday data for chosen index.
Option: Indeksy Intraday [GB: Indexes Intraday]

And you can generate your own intraday data for chosen currency.
Option: Waluty Intraday [GB: Currencies Intraday]

Have you any problems with this site and/or polish please send me an e-mail on my priv.

You can always translate a word or sentence going into:
Marek Chlopek