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Wish for AmiBroker 3.7, 3.8 !

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Congratulation for 3.68 and 3.69 !
Here are the different thing I am currently 
A) Found 2 Bugs in AFL:1- Id you call sum(Array, P) 
and P is an array ! I don't know if AFL is suppose    to handle 
array for period, but that's one option I need. The function ma(Array, 
P)   accept array in the second parameter and in the mean time, 
that's what I will    be using because ma(Array,P)/P == 
sum(Array,P)2- The autoanalyser crash when you use columnX = 
If you can't reproduce those 2 crash, I will make a more 
detail bug report !
B) IMHO, I thing there is 3 very annoying thing about the AFL 
Editor and parser. 
1- I know that you have plan to include syntax highlighting 
and improve AFL editing inside AmiBroker in future version and this is great. 
But in the mean time we should have a way to set at least 
the default font of AFL editing. Now it's very difficult to work with code in a 
proportional font (even if it's just to correct and add small thing). If 
it's not in your plan for the next release, is there a way to do this inside the 
windows setting, registry or in another configuration file ?

2- Because, the syntax error dialog stop you from doing 
anything, I don't thing it's a good idea to continue evaluate the AFL afterthe 
first error. Some time you have to press cancel for several time before youcan 
actually correct the error.
3- Some time but not always, there is a syntax error just 
before a double slash "//" (usually when there is no AFL on the same line before 
the comment). I didn't success to exactly pin-point when and how the error 
appear but very often, the error disappear when we add or remove a space orCR 
before the "//".
I also thing that a more expedite way to improve AFL editing 
is to have AFL link to external file and make a bridge to a customizable editor 
for syntax error correcting. There is so many small editor that can do a nice 
job:   CREdit:    <A 
ConTEXT:   <A 
TextPad:   <A 
href="">http://textpad.com/  EditPlus:  <A 
UltraEdit: <A 
Codewhiz:  <A 
MultiEdit: <A 
href="">http://www.amcyber.com/Building a 
complete a powerful programming editor is one software on it's own and can take 
you a lot of your valuable time. Or maybe I'm wrong and you already have figure 
out a way to program this in a very short period of time !
C) In almost every software, except in AmiBroker, if you 
change the vertical position of the indicator-separation, it change only the one 
you moved and not the other ones ! I think when AmiBroker change the position of 
all the above Indicator separator, is very annoying and take 2 to 5 time more 
adjustment to have the same result because you constantly moving back other 
separator where there were before ! Or even worst have to close and reopen all 
indicator just to adjust one indicator.
D) Also now the commentary windows automatic refresh is very helpful. I 
know you already answer this one, but I don't understand why it is a trouble to 
refresh the upper title of an indicator with the current day. The title is 
already being draw ! After all, the only thing you have to do is to redraw the 
title with a different date, is in it ?

E) Thanks for the crosshair cursor in 3.68, I think this one 
will please a lot of people. One last request is also to put in the tool bar 
just above or bellow the arrow !
Thanks for any reply !