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Re: Translating CPP

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> Can someone translate the following snippet of CPP code into english?

OK, here I go...

>      A += Kernl * X[i+1] / X[i];    // A is now a sum of  "A" and "Kernel
* X[i+1] / X[i]"
>      ZSum += Kernl;                     // ZSum is now the sum of "ZSum"
and "Kernl"
>             } // if                               //Don't worry about this
>        } // for i                                //Don't worry here too.
>        if (ZSum)                              //OK... If ZSum is ....true
>            A /= ZSum;                      // A is equalled to A divided
by ZSum
>        else
>            A = 1;                              // if not A is equalled 1
> What does "+=" mean?
> What does "/=" mean?

My Cpp is very rusty... hope this helps.
