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Re: Anyone had successfully create a good trading system using MarkJurik's Indicators?

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and look who is asking!

This is your invention and more people should try it !

Go to:


to get an  .ela  of it and if just interested in the concept then look over
the code below.


Function:  DH_adaptive_noise_f
Author:    Dennis H
Mods:      Clyde Lee
Last Edit: 11/27/2000

Counts how many bars back are required for the price to
exceed a noise level and sets the lookback of an exponential
moving average or a T3 average to that number of bars.

If noise is set negative then it is a multiplier of a 14 bar
Standard Deviation of the INPUT data is used as noise.

avgmode allows the use of original exponential smoothing or
T3Average smoothing of determined length -- use lee version.

smoleng allows the use of additional smoothing by application
of a FIXED LENGTH t3average to the adaptive value computed.


input:  price(numericseries),      {price or other series to
        noise(numericsimple),      {filter price movements smaller than
his  }
                                   {if < 0 then
oisef=AbsValue(noise)*ATR14  }
        max_per(numericsimple),    {maximum period for noise search and
x   }
                                   {smoothing period
        smoleng(numericsimple);    {Additional smoothing of average by use
of }
                                   {fixed length x average by setting
s    }
                                   {to value other than

var: hi(0),   lo(0),

if noise <> 0 then begin

  If Noise>0 then noisef= noise
  else            noisef= -noise*StdDev(price,14);

  {reset the vars}
  hi = price;
  lo = price;
  period = 0;

  {count the bars to exceed the noise treshold}
  while hi - lo < noisef and period < max_per begin
    period = period + 1;
    if price[period] > hi then hi = price[period];
    if price[period] < lo then lo = price[period];

If period<1.2 then period=1.2;

{exponential smoothing factor}
factor = 2 / (period + 1);
{exponential average}
If currentbar>1
  then  filter = factor * price + (1 - factor) * filter[1]
  else  filter = price;
If SmoLeng=0
  then  Filter1=filter
  Else  Filter1=Filter1*(1-Factor1)+(Filter*Factor1);
DH_adaptive_Original = Filter1;

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - -
Clyde Lee   Chairman/CEO          (Home of SwingMachine)
SYTECH Corporation          email: clydelee@xxxxxxxxxxxx
7910 Westglen, Suite 105       Office:    (713) 783-9540
Houston,  TX  77063               Fax:    (713) 783-1092
Details at:                      www.theswingmachine.com
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----- Original Message -----
From: "DH" <catapult@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Omega List" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 12:07 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone had successfully create a good trading system using Mark
Jurik's Indicators?

> > I got the indicators
> Why?
> --
>   Dennis