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Re: works / doesnot work

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"point value, price scale and min move" have all been set to the same as
TS4. There were over a dozen trades taken. All identical, with identical
performance stats, except that one trade was missed as per code at bottom of
this page.

I have since been able to 'pick up' that trade by altering the code from:
StructureChk = ((Range = LittleUp).........

StructureChk = ((Range > LittleUp*0.9 and Range < LittleUp*1.1)...........

The data has LittleUp as exactly 0.01 and I don't understand why this is
happening ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Benjamin "ElGuru" Blanco" <elguru@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "omega-list" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Jon Macmichael" <jonmac@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, 17 July, 2002 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: works / doesnot work

> The reason for the difference is the point value, price scale and min move
> are not the same as they were in TS4.
> Best regards,
> Benjamin "ElGuru" Blanco
> http://www.blancofamily.net/elguru
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jon Macmichael" <jonmac@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "omega" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 3:09 AM
> Subject: works / doesnot work
> Hi,
> If used the following in TS4 as a filter to Buy;
> Vars: LittleUp(0), StructureChk(False);
> If Close >0.001 and Close <=0.099 Then LittleUp = 0.001 Else
>     If Close > 0.099 and Close <=0.495 Then LittleUp = 0.005 Else
>     If Close > 0.495 then LittleUp = 0.01;
> StructureChk = ((Range = LittleUp) and (High<High[1])) or (Close =Low);
> If {various conditions} and StructureChk then Buy..........
> This works fine in TS4, but when transfered to TS2000i all works fine
> that a trade is missed. The setup/data etc are identical. When "(Range =
> LittleUp) and" is bracketed out of StructureChk then the missed trade is
> taken.
> Debug outputs both Range and and LittleUp as 0.0100
> Any ideas as to why the transfer is not handled indentically would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jon