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works / doesnot work

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If used the following in TS4 as a filter to Buy;

Vars: LittleUp(0), StructureChk(False);

If Close >0.001 and Close <=0.099 Then LittleUp = 0.001 Else
    If Close > 0.099 and Close <=0.495 Then LittleUp = 0.005 Else
    If Close > 0.495 then LittleUp = 0.01;

StructureChk = ((Range = LittleUp) and (High<High[1])) or (Close =Low);

If {various conditions} and StructureChk then Buy..........

This works fine in TS4, but when transfered to TS2000i all works fine except
that a trade is missed. The setup/data etc are identical. When "(Range =
LittleUp) and" is bracketed out of StructureChk then the missed trade is

Debug outputs both Range and and LittleUp as 0.0100

Any ideas as to why the transfer is not handled indentically would be
greatly appreciated.
