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Price Distribution Histogram

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There was a discussion about Value Area recently.

Here's a study that works on intraday price and tick bars. It shows the
distribution of prices as a histogram of trendlines. Its coded for
ts2000, so you may need to adapt it for ts4.

I can't post the pics, so if you want to see it working on 1-minute and
1-tick bars, e-mail me privately.

{ STUDY: PriceDistribution }

input: date1(0), time1(930), time2(1600), HistColor(darkgray),
ValueArea(.6), ValueColor(blue);
input: EveryMins(15), MinsBack(15);
input: ShoHist(true);

{ This displays price histograms EveryMins. The lookback period is

  It works for both minute and tick bars, even 1-tick bars. Try with S&P
1-minute bars
  or S&P 1-tick bars.

    date1 - draws histrograms for this date; all dates if its 0
    time1, time2 - draws histograms within this date range
    HistColor - the color of the histogram
    ValueColor - the color of the value area
    ValueArea - portion of the prices that will be colored; range 0 to 1
    EveryMins - draw a histogram every, say, 15 minutes
    MinsBack - how far back to analyze prices, typically the same as
    ShoHist - if false, just the value area is plotted like a bar

array: v[5000](0);
var: base(10000);

var: ii(0), ij(0), hh(0), ll(0), cbStart(0), bb(0), maxv(0), han1(0),
m1(0), m2(0);
var: mins(0), cb(0), cbPrev(0), targ(0), Sanity(false);
var: iivmax(0), totv(0), vmaxpc(0), vhh(0),vll(0), loop(0);

if currentbar = 1 then begin
	hh = h;
	ll = l;
mins = EveryMins*intportion(timetominutes(time)/EveryMins);

if (date1 = date or date1 = 0) and ((time >= time1 and time <= time2) or
time1 = 0 or time2 = 0) and
		mins <> mins[1] then begin

{	plot1(c,"",red,default,5);}

	{ clear v array }
	for ii = ll * 10  - base to hh * 10 - base begin
		v[ii] = 0;

	{ find start of interval }
	cb = 0;
	Sanity = true;
	targ = timetominutes(time) - MinsBack;
	while targ <= timetominutes(time[cb]) and Sanity begin
		cb = cb+1;
		if cb >= currentbar then Sanity = false;
		if date[cb] <> date then Sanity = false;
		if cb > 1000 then Sanity = false;
	cb = cb - 1;

	{ add bars to list }
	hh = h;
	ll = l;
	for ij = cb - 1 downto 0 begin
		m1 = l[ij];
		m2 = h[ij];
		if hh < m2 then hh = m2;
		if ll > m1 then ll = m1;
		if m1 > c[ij+1] + .10 then m1 = c[ij+1] + .10
		else if m2 < c[ij+1] - .10 then m2 = c[ij+1] - .10;
		for ii = m1 * 10 - base to m2 * 10 - base begin
			v[ii] = v[ii] + 1;

	{ find value area }
	maxv = 0;
	totv = 0;
	for ii = ll * 10 to hh * 10 begin
		totv = totv + v[ii - base];
		if maxv < v[ii - base] then begin
			maxv = v[ii - base];
			iivmax = ii;
	vmaxpc = maxv;
	vhh = iivmax;
	vll = iivmax;
	sanity = true;
	loop = 0;
	if maxV > 0 then 
	while sanity and vmaxpc / totv < ValueArea begin
		loop = loop + 1;
		if loop > 50 then sanity = false;
		if v[vhh + 1 - base] > v[vll - 1 - base] then begin
			vhh = vhh + 1;
			vmaxpc = vmaxpc + v[vhh - base];
		end else begin
			vll = vll - 1;
			vmaxpc = vmaxpc + v[vll - base];

	{ display the list }
	if ShoHist then
	for ii = ll * 10 to hh * 10 begin
		if maxV > 0 then begin
			bb = v[ii - base] * (currentbar - cbPrev) / maxV; 
			if time[bb] <> time then begin
				han1 = tl_new(date[bb],time[bb],ii*.1,date,time,ii*.1);
				if ii >= vll and ii <= vhh then tl_setcolor(han1,ValueColor);
				if ii = iivmax then tl_setcolor(han1,cyan);
{	plot2(iivmax*.1,"",cyan,default,4);}
	plot3(vhh*.1,"",ValueColor,default,0); { property is BarHigh }
	plot4(vll*.1,"",ValueColor,default,0); { property is BarLow }
	cbPrev = currentbar;

if false then begin

Attachment: Description: "PRICEDIST.ELA"