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Re: God & War Turning the other cheek

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Your thoughts sound pretty constructive to me.   It is healthier for you to 
work through the anger, try to understand what really happened in its 
historical context, and move on.  It helps clear the mind to make better 
decisions so that the painful lessons of this catastrophe can be learned 
and applied to reduce the danger of a repeat.  If a religious orientation 
makes this process easier, more power to that religion.

One good thing that may come out of this is that the US will be more 
reluctant to support violent "freedom fighters" around the world (such as 
the Taliban and Sadam Hussein -- both of which have received considerable 
US support in the past -- way back in history beyond the 15 second 
attention span promoted by TV news coverage.

However, I suspect it will require almost a saint-like strength of 
character to be willing to turn the other cheek in the face of Tuesday's 
atrocity and I'm not at all sure that is the correct response in this case.

At 9/15/2001 11:57 AM, you wrote:
>Throughout history groups have used God to support acts of violence and
>Although I am not a biblical expert, as I recall, Jesus said something to
>the effect of 'if your enemy hits one cheek offer the other'. The message of
>Jesus was peace and love, that all people are God's children. Even in Jesus'
>last days, he took the torture and death without action against his
>I am greatly grieved by the recent violence and feel anger.
>I am having trouble reconciling the words and actions of Jesus and his
>message of love with us acting out our anger with more violence and killing.
>I wonder if God's test here is what we feel and do. Perhaps this world is
>really not important. Perhaps the test is to see if we take this and allow
>it to fill us with anger and act out with violence and killing, or, to
>dissolve the anger and act with forgiveness, peace, and love.
>Any constructive thoughts would be appreciated.