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Fw: Freaky!!!!

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Lionel your reply to Randywas appropriate--Nostradamus may be correct.
I pray he is wrong.
Norm Wiss
----- Original Message -----
From: "Maurice Naraine" <MANaraine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Steve pc class" <sfichter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Stephen (radio sk)"
<SMG2321@xxxxxxx>; "Roy at home" <RKNaraine@xxxxxxxx>; "Ron resumes"
<Outthinkresumes@xxxxxxx>; "Rodert pc class" <xeroquake@xxxxxxx>;
"Norn pc class" <cutup2@xxxxxxxx>; "Naraine, Roy"
<RKNaraine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Naraine, Felix" <fnaraine@xxxxxxx>;
"Maura" <MYRA9801@xxxxxxx>; "Livingston Nat food" <NUTRAKING@xxxxxxx>;
"Lady-Di" <curly3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "John N2RCP" <JJMN2RCP@xxxxxxx>;
"Ira" <DekanBlue@xxxxxxx>; "Bob @ work"
<Robert.Salatiello@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Blanca" <papayacrd@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 11:20 PM
Subject: Freaky!!!!

This is freaky!!!!

me and not many people believe in the whole Nostradamus thing but this
is pretty

In the City of God there will be a great thunder (Explosion), two
(twin towers) torn apart by
chaos (bombing), while the fortress endures (the city), the great
will succumb.", "The
third big war will begin when the big city is burning (NYC)." "on the
day of
the 9 month that...two metal birds (planes) would crash into two tall
statues (twin towers)...in
the new city (NEW york CITY)... and the world will end soon after"
- Nostradamus 1654'

>From Nostradamus approx 500 years ago......

"In the year of the new century and nine months,  f rom the sky will
come a
great King of Terror.   The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.  Fire
approaches the great new city..."


"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two Brothers torn
by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb.
third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
-Nostradamus, 1654