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> The message titled RT Mueeay Math
> is infected with the virus
> I would like that the list should be able to stop messages with viruses...
> Why is it not so?

<rant mode on>

It is possible. I run a non-trading egroups list with several hundred
subscribers. I set the list options to not allow attachments and
recommend that all subscribers set their profile to text-only. That
strips all HTML out of the messages and people only receive the text.
The downside is they have to post pictures to the files area but,
IMHO, that's a small price to pay for security when you're dealing
with a large public list.

This really gets at several of my pet peeves.....

1. People who use Outlook Express (the world's worst email program)
and aren't bright enough to set their security so they wont get
infected with KAK worms.

2. People who use HMTL email which is a huge waste of bandwidth, can
carry hidden worms, and adds no value to the content of the message.

3. People who don't do virus scans on their systems and pass the
viruses they catch on to hundreds of others on public lists, followed
by a lame "gee, I'm sorry" apology worded like they think they are
victims and don't even carry any blame in the whole business.

I'm on other lists that allow HTML and attachments but they are small
lists with users savvy enough to not get themselves infected with
viruses. I really think a big list like RT needs to reconsider the
convenience of allowing attachments versus the safety of not allowing
them. Changing our profiles to text-only does no good unless the
moderators decide not to allow attachments. Without the change by the
moderators, HTML, including KAK scripts, still gets through to our
computers. It has happened several times in recent weeks so it appears
that there will always be a small number of subscribers who lack the
technical sophistication to practice safe computing.

<rant mode off>


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