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Re: europeans cut rates

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The market sure knows how to bring politics & funnymentals inline with the
technical outlook, what a  shame its the last rally  phase thats about to
commence for many many  weeks....... people will be taliking triple tops in
a while

-----Original Message-----
From: swp <swp@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: RealTraders Discussion Group <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, 4 December 1998 0:51
Subject: europeans cut rates

>Wow! Nobody expected this now. They better get the mother of all rallies
>out of this, because if they dont, they will be sorry. Europe is already
>pushing on a string as far as short term rates go, and the European
>Central Bankers are not nearly as adept at market behavior as Greenspan
>is (though I still think the Fed mis-stepped in cutting two weeks ago,
>but at least the Fed and the BoE have room to err).