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Fw: Successful Commodity Traders

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HI Everyone

I have been having an appalling time trying to connect with RT.   I have
been able to receive everything, but not able to send to the group.

According to MSN this is because my e-mail address had had a subtle change
when I was upgraded with a new Explorer.   Apparently, I had had adde the
words "e-mail" and now that they have put it back to what it was this
should come out.

So, please be kind enough to treat this as a sort of test - even though it
is referring to an old strand.

Thanks for your indulgence.   I have been reading about the group's
'problem' over the standard of posts and I will try and do a little more
in the future.   I have to admitt that having been a member for well over a
year now, I have been very glad to get all the info I have, but, at the
same time I have not made a huge contribution.   Perhaps, it is because I
concentrate on only one market and think you might get a little bored
hearing about it.  We'll see...

Meanwhile, I am hoping this will get through and that I will be 'in
business' again with RT

Best wishes, you all, from this side of the fish pond
Bill Eykyn

Just curious why you think anyone who has put in the work to achieve that
 of success, would bother answering this post.

Just another thought from me.
 If someone DOES manage to find a system that works. Shouldn't it
him more to keep quiet and trade rather than announce it to the world.
account will increase, some people will know. But that's just it. The ego
need not be fed any more than that.

As I was - in fact still am when I have the time! - a writer, let me tell
you why I am writing a manual on trading the T-Bonds and why it will help
people without in any way affecting my trading.

It is, perhaps, human nature that people should try and find a Holy Grail;
to try and find a system of all systems to make money.  We all know that
doesn't exist, but we are still tempted to look for it.  We a drawn to the
advertisements even if, in time, we refrain from responding...

Once people have moved on from the quest for the Holy Grail, they then
knowledge - real knowledge.  By definition, successful people must have
knowledge, so the answer must lie in talking with, reading writings of and
generally trying to follow the ways of successful people.

How do you find such people?  With difficulty, is the short answer.  But
the fact that you are searching means that people who have developed 'a
system' will surely be searching for you.   (We have got rid of the more
gismo vendors, but there used to be a few on RT!!)

The meeting place tends to be via advertisements and editorials in
magazines and periodicals or through seminars, forums, lectures, etc..
Sorting the
wheat from the chaff is an onerous process, to say the least.  It is also
expensive and can be very irritating.  The charlatans can be very
plausable, especially to the uninitiated.

It has to be said that most of the people who write the books or who are
on the circuit, are there either because they make good money from these
activities or they have a large ego to feed - probably both!  How many of
them actually trade for a living, once they have become successful seminar
givers may be few and far between.  Naturally, that does not mean that
what they have to say is not of value - it is just that you've got to find
and do your own evaluation.

It is because of the inglorious run around that I have had, that I thought
I would write a manual which, hopefully, would do two things.   Firstly,
help people to see whether or not this was an activity for them and then, if
they decided that it was, help them to learn to day trade for a living.

Because I live in England, my market hours are from 1.30pm to 8.00pm GMT,
which give me all morning to do other things - including writing, editing
and producing the manual.   In other words, writing a manual would not
interfere with my trading - which is what I now do for a living.  The
manual will contain very up-to-date charts and, through the way it will be
and published, it can be updated easily.   If it turns out as well as I
expect it to, it should save a raw recruit up to two years of fumbling
around trying to find out what the markets are all about and how to
survive them.

At the very least, any reader will be able to decide whether or not to get
involved and that could save them a ton of money.  At worst, they will
have a game plan to set themselves up with a way of earning a living.  They
fail, but it will, if they follow the rules, mean they will lose an awful
lot less than they might have done.  If they succeed, then I am sure to
hear and will enjoy that feeling that all authors get in such circumstance.
Who knows, some may even go on to other areas - like position trading - and
make or lose a fortune, etc.

Now, because of the way I trade and because of the market I trade, there
is no way - repeat, no way - that if hundreds of people adopt the methodoloy
it will affect my trading.   The T-Bond market is just too big and the
application of the methodology too diverse in its affect on the market to
make the least bit of difference.

So...    I am able to produce something of value to others and get a
fulfilment from writing.  It is inevitable that  I will get to talk to,
meet, correspond and otherwise enjoy the interaction of many people, all
over the world, which will add a most welcome aspect to the otherwise
rather lonely business of trading.   But most important of all, it will not
affect my daily trading.   That is the upside and, well, there really isn't
downside!  If the manual does not become a best seller, it won't matter a
jot.  You see, all that is in it is based on actual trading, analysis,
trial and error and is a great way of drumming it home to me, as I go along.
I shall most certainly plug RT, as a positive forum for help.  As a
collection of people, we must have nearly all the answers (and some
ansers!) possible for almost any trading subject under the sun (pun
intended!), and
we will go on learning for ever.

Some may even knock the "L" off learning in the process of time...

Bill Eykyn
E&OE as the markets are about to open...