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Re: money management

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Adam Hardy wrote:
>Is anyone out there interested in 'optimal f' or 'secure f'
>fractional money management techniques?

I wrote some software once to examine them in a Monte Carlo fashion.

>I tend to follow Ralph Vince and optimal f up to the point where
>Vince takes the 'biggest loss' from the trade history to which he
>applies the formula.

Two problems with this approach:

1. There is no accounting for comfort level. Applying the biggest
loss in the history to the formula may well mean periods of 80%

2. The sequence of trades is assumed to be unchanged.  The same
trades in a different order could result in different drawdowns.
The same trades selected at random over a longer period gives a
different result.  Monte Carlo simulation gives you a feel for the
mean and standard deviation for max drawdown and expected equity

>Alot of persuasive opinions on the net warn about optimal f being
>untradeable and very risky, and I agree with that except that
>mostly optimal f is completely rejected instead of being modified.

The way I modified it is like this:  Say I'm comfortable with 20%
drawdowns.  I run my sequence of trades through a Monte Carlo
analysis, adjusting my fraction of equity invested until the mean
drawdown is 20%.  I then look at the variability of this drawdown
and decide if it's acceptable.  Then I look at the expected profit
and ITS variability to see if it's worth the drawdown.

>The secure f solution is the only published improvement on Vince's
>optimal f, but I'm not happy with that either, since it also uses
>the trade history to determine the formula, or worse, advocates
>using just some figure that the trader would be comfortable with
>regarding drawdown.

That's not worse, that's better.  Psychology is a powerful thing.
How willing will you REALLY be to continue trading a strategy that
has drawn down your account 80%?

  ,|___    Alex Matulich -- alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 // +__>   Director of Research and Development
 //  \     Unicorn Research Corporation -- http://unicorn.us.com