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Re: David Bowden's Safety in the Market

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Hello Amin,

I bought the Starter Pack (AUD $1,000) in 1994 when I first started
looking at futures. It was elementary, but a good grounding in the
basics of futures trading IMO. The 'system' contained therein was not
very useful and extremely discretionary - there was always a 'reason'
that you took the wrong trade :). 20/20 hindsight is always reliable.

David Bowden made a 'name' for himself by trading the 1987 crash
successfully, and then went on to to run hundreds of seminars, courses
etc and generally squeeze every dollar out of his methods. He was
assisted by an extremely capable marketing person, a Mr S Thallon.

I used to receive his mailouts and they were often of the 'buy now
before it is too late' school of marketing.

He ran an 'Incubator' seminar (AUD $25,000 for 4 days) that promised
to be everything you would ever need to know (sound familiar by now?)
- money back guarantee, etc, etc. I have talked to people who attended
these seminars and they said that they were discretionary in nature.
Mind you, he ran plenty of these things - 20-30 people a time at $25K
a head. Go figure.

Bowden cites W D Gann material frequently. I have heard him described
as a 'huckster' by people whose opinion I respect. I believe the
correct description is a 'cycle guru'. Unfortunately the cycle that he
caught in 1987 has now moved past him.

I understand that he has retired due to ill health and sold SITM - I
am surprised that it is still trading. 

Summary: the Starter Pack is useful as a basic introduction to futures
trading. It is intended to be followed by purchasing more products.

IMHO: follow no-one, do the hard yards yourself. Plenty of people will
sell you the answer, none will deliver.

Best regards,
 Ross                       mail to: ross.bond@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, May 27, 2002, 5:29:42 AM, you wrote:

Aac> Hello Everyone,
Aac> Has anyone purchased David Bowden's Safety in the Market course? If yes, what 
Aac> do you think of it?? Is it worth purchasing??  "www.sitm.com.au"
Aac> Recently, I read an article posted at his web site (A review and post-mortem 
Aac> in price)  but I was not impressed with the "hind-sight" analysis presented.
Aac> After buying the basic " Smarter Starter Pack" for $995 it seems that one has 
Aac> to buy other products, equally expensive, to learn about his methods of price 
Aac> forceasting.
Aac> Any opinion will be appreciated. Thanks
Aac> You can email me in private if needed. "avall38486@xxxxxxx" 
Aac> Amin