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RE: RE: Portfolio backtesting: Behold website

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Nice to see you're still the same brain-dead omega shill you've always been.
Nothing like a flaming hypocrite to lighten this list. Someone needs to
school you in how to write complete sentences though.

Here are some truths for you.  TS2K crashes -- a lot in RT, even in NT.
It's been over 1.5 years since it's release and its still only release
candidate software, at best.  The uninstall sucks, the install is finicky
and usually screws up the system files on an overinstall.  Ever waited for
the server to reinitialize when it's crashed and you've had to reboot it.
Takes about 1/2 hour.  Meanwhile the market is moving.  You can't keep more
than a few workspaces open at a time on a large machine (dual p3, 256 RAM)
for fear of another crash -- in NT.  Add that some of the features in TS2K
don't work or are unusable (scanner).  SP6 is late very late.
Representatives from Omega said Sp6 was coming out right after Sp5 and that
was how long ago?  And now Omega wants to drop support for TS2K in the US?
I think if Omega did a better job of support (which we all know has been
their strong suit) shills like you wouldn't get so bitter.

As for Bob's opinion, it was an opinion and supported with argument.  It may
be uninformed, it may not be but you would like to think that people can
express their opinions without some knee-jerk shill like you and your fuzzy
french friend bashing them for it. People like you don't justify their
position with facts, they justify it with condescending rhetoric like the
kind you wrote below.  Where are the facts omega_shill or is that
omega_lamb?  Was the message condescending?  Yes because it got personal
without a personal provocation. Unwarranted? You bet because the message
supported it's opinion with argument yet all you and your french friend
could do was make personal flames.  Weather you agreed with the argument or
not, it was still a valid opinion and without even providing support for his

You have a problem accepting opinions when it contradicts your myopic little
half-truths you live with every day.

Get help.

-----Original Message-----
From: the_omega_man@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:the_omega_man@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 4:58 AM
To: blink64@xxxxxxxx
Cc: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: RE: Portfolio backtesting: Behold website

----- Original Message -----
>"This will probably avoid newbies like Bob Fulks to be astonished when they
>will see their first Behold code example: It's plain easy language.
>Nothing aginst you , Bob, but you last post about TS Pro where half a dozen
>of counter truth for a software (that you even have not tried), I remember
>that you were more serious in the pas, and I have no time these day to go
>and fix the usal Omega List delirium."
>Another condecending, unwarrented cheap shot at one of the most positive
>helpful members on this list from Pierre.  Nice to see you haven't lost
>touch pierre.

Here's a condescending comment for you Brian:  You are a rock.

Pierre's comments were fully warranted by Bob's uninformed attacks on TRAD's
business strategy.  Bob Fulks should stick to code examples and white papers
about continuous contracts...  He's in a bit over his head when he tries to
play Peter Drucker.  Bob may be "positive" and "helpful" in your eyes.  But
your vision does not constitute the truth, nor should you assume that your
vision is shared by me.

Here's how you can tell the age of a list member:  If they start complaining
about "condescension" or someone sounding "superior", then they're young.
They've been schooled (your tax dollars at work!) to believe that it is not
the verity of one's statements that matters, but how, and to whom, one makes
one's statements.  Notice Brian's attack on Pierre:  Brian says that
Pierre's statements were "unwarranted" and "condescending".  He does not say
that Pierre's statements are untrue.

O Young Man, thou art schooled but uneducated!  (That's my warranted, and
condescending, statement to you.)

The Omega Man