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Re: Switch?

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Just FYI, i dont think you would need a new server if you are just trying to
be able to feed TS4.x..
 i am running PCquote  i-net feed into TS with http://now.at/dynastore/
 So far no problems,...  FWIW...       Bill
-----Original Message-----
From: spi <spi@xxxxxxxx>
To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>;
robert.cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <robert.cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 4:07 AM
Subject: Re: Switch?

>Interesting... i received a call from good 'ol bmi 2 weeks ago... offering
>me (a loyal long standing customer) a 'deal' to switch to inet feed... u
>know ladies and gentlemen, i'll put up, say 10-20k, and three or 4 others
>put up 2-5k or so each, OK? we all sign disclaimers up the ying yang, find
>the best programmers(got 'em already), write the damnable patch for TS4,
>code up a NEW FRIGGIN SERVER which works with cable OR the net(already had
>two built for other reasons. not that hard folks)??? I mean how difficult
>can this be?? I ve spent bazillions on 16 bit blah blah for ts4, doubtful
>that im inclined to invest more bazillions in a spankin new
>platform...however the more the merrier.... lets go ok? i'll put the dough
>in an
>escrow account tonite. Im allllmoooost ready to jump ship to an inet
>ensign? Qcom? how many of 'US" would it take to get exactly what we want?
>10? 20 serious traders? an 'accomplice' and i quite literally changed the
>internet connectivity form the north pacific to chicago and all in between
>by complaining like madmen to all involved for three weeks... back to 2-3
>secs to the pit... from 20-40 sec delay.
>ALTERNATIVELY, maybe Qcom or whoever wants an infusion of 50-100K so 'we
>all' can obtain that which we need; i.e., which is 'predominantly' a fast
>el/vb/excel  interface... this whole 2000 issue is very very old. It is NOT
>going to get faster! know one very early beta who is still with it now...
>ONE chart ONE symbol REAL TIME OK? geeeeeeez i don't know about most folks
>here, but i have NO TIME to spend beta'ing anything unless it holds
>significant promise for FUTURE applications... done fer a month!... toolate
>already! globee
>shortee  Lee
>PS seriously if any 1 interested in pursuing Qcom or whoever is the 'best'
>inet provider of data charts, mail me and i'll make some calls stat
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert W Cummings <robert.cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Monday, April 12, 1999 10:05 PM
>Subject: Switch?
>>DBC Corp. sent me a pamphlet trying to persuade me to which from BMI to
>>Signal via the Internet. They make reference to the Y2K issue but don't
>>BMI is not compliant. Is this a warning shot that DBC is getting ready to
>>get rid of BMI or maybe sell it. Maybe now trying to get all the current
>>clients before they do? Sounds like DBC might be getting out of cable
>>delivered data and go strictly with data delivery on the Internet?