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RE: TS5 Press Release:

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

did i say "commercial"? no.  did i say i worked on any commercial
software products? no.  so what you say may be true about commercial
ventures, i really can't say, so i'm throwing out 95%+ of your post as
irrelevant. geez, it would help if you guys read the damn posts before
you get your fur up.

but how 'bout "free" as in "free" in the spirit of linux development? 
i know far more about such things than you may suspect.  my cost and
the team's cost would zero, as in nada, as in zip, since we would
contribute our own time in the project while using the software
initally for our own use, ie, as in trading.  i think phillip york did
something similar to what i'm proposing for his trading platform.

i've been a pro trader a hell of a lot longer than i've done software
and hardware for research applications.  that was a former life, and
i've had many former lives, but the one constant throughout them has
been my trading, and that has lasted well over 2 decades with a risk
of ruin that is essentially zero. so, there's no "transtition" to
trading from "anything" that you incorrectly allude to.

so, i provide the trading focus and my guys provide the programming
expertise.  and these guys are good; mastering any kind of control
process feed back loop is no easy thing to program. we already have
the module we used in data acquisition written in VC++, a simple
charting program written in VB, and one hell of a lot of experience in
dde, d/a, a/d, and i/o.

like i said before, this is a parttime deal.  i've got no plans to go
commercial, 'cause it's not worth the hassle. i believe that linux is
the future and windoze is a dead-end deal; y2k may see to that.

see ya


gee, what a unique concept; professional traders using the tools that
they develop!

---Brian Massey  wrote:
about 95% what i believe is true about commerical software development
and is largely irrelevant to what i discussed before.