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At 10:57 PM 9/30/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I received this message from the Toronto TS User Group on the new 
>features of TS 5.0 and am passing it along to the list.

>==================== forwarded message===============================
>Here are some of the new features that TradeStation 5 will have. I will 
send you more information when it becomes available.
>Thank You
>Pedro San Juan
>User Group Coordinator
>Omega Research Inc.
>11.  Omega Research TradeStation 5.0 Features

>"Back-test and automate ANY trading system, from simple to the most
>sophisticated without programming knowledge

Pedro, Don't even BOTHER to send anything like this to this list.

How can you POSSIBLY make this statement! I defie you to PROVE it is 

Please..........., Omega Research is registered with the SEC.  Give me a 
break. It's the biggest lie ever told about the software. 

Ask Mark Brown, he is an expert on it.

This is the biggest nonsense ever told about TradeStation. It is a 
straight lie and if you want to challenge me on that, let's go to court 
....................................you dick.

This list demonstrates time and time again that the average person does 
not have a clue about programming in Easy Language.  It's pure bullshit 
if there ever was any.

So why not tell it like it is. Tell the TRUTH.

>System Optimization
>· Automatically test a range of parameters for any system and find 
optimal settings. Optimization reports and graphs

You mean CURVE FIT ????? 
Like the average guy can do that?  Give us a break and tell the TRUTH!
AND Pierre O .....piss off!

>NEW! EasyLanguage Wizard  - The EasyLanguage Wizard is a tool  
>point-and-click solution to create trading systems, indicators, >ShowMe 
studies and PaintBar studies.

I challenge you here and now, to PROVE what you say is true!  It is 
straight bullshit and I'm here to tell the whole List.

>Industry Standard Platform
>· Over 200 solution providers offer products that work within the 
>Omega Research Platform.

And all starving on the vine, after being sucked in Big Time.

Most of these are straight FRAUD artists and if you want PROOF 
....please LeRoy ...try to challlenge me.... and we will see who wins.

I will simply among other things call list members including Mark Brown 
as expert witnesses.

It's a Slug... truthfully tell us the computer memory required to run it 
properly!  Everybody has to upgrade their computer ...JUST TO RUN OMEGA 
TS 5.0.

>12.   Additional Services:
>Customer service unmatched in the industry

Oh, right..., did you mean the Omega list? where everything is FREE?

>· Available via phone, fax, email, and online Knowledge Base

Give us a break Pedro. What 'knowledge base' are you talking about? 
There is no knowledge base on Omega Rersearch products. Show it to the 

>User Training
>· Free System Development Seminars
>· Full day product training available in major cities
>· Over 100 Omega Research User Groups around the world
>· OmegaWorld™ annual conference- The Premier Conference Dedicated to 
>Systems Testing and Design

Haven't you read the rules here yet?

>System Development Training
>· System Trading and Development Club - shows members how the experts 
>trade and helps them create their own systems.

Which expert were you talking about? ADNAR SHODNI, the Omega crooked ad 
man?  Ask the Sheriff if you think I'm full of wind.

This is the biggest joke you guys have ever laid on the public.  Like 
the ad you run with Adnar Shnogni or whatever his name is... it's pure 
bullshit. Care to challenge me in court on it? 

Got some great code to prove my point in court. Want the SEC to look at 

Big Al.