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Hi Tom,

Yes, I like it. I believe this to be true from my own experiences of what I am
good at. Since I like cars and airplanes, have worked on and built both, it is
with this area your definition fits well. Can almost stand next to a running car
and tell if something is wrong and identify it. Drives a friend that's a car
dealer nuts! He wanted to know if I could do it over the phone! Sorry, can't do
it at all but rarely in person.
Bryce Gilmore has said the same thing about trading. He claims that trading
expertise generates "intuitive trading".  Now this subject has got to drive a
system trader nuts. He is supposed to take every signal and not enter his own
thoughts into the process. Intuition would be shunned and discouraged within
himself as a error of trading ability.
There really are different mindsets with different trading methodologies.
I am sure that combining systematic thought into the discretionary trading plan
would better hone the essential decisions and sequence toward a clearer picture
that makes a trade setup happen. This is why I do not oppose those that feel
trading systems are the only way. If I could code the exact setup that I go
through before I pull the trigger, I would possibly eliminate many added
unnecessary thought actions. Learning to program would possibly lend a hand in
this mental conditioning. This might enhance intuitive capabilities. This is
really certainty being formulated, isn't it?
See U

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Cathey <K1JJ@xxxxxxx>

>I've always thought intuition to be kinda a synonym for the word
>"subconcious".  And...the definition of "subconcious activity" is simply
>doing something in an automatic way learned by accumulated knowledge.
>(driving a car, playing the piano, talking, walking, screwing)
>THAT, I believe, is what intuition really is....a deep, accumulated
>knowledge of a specific area.
>But in summary, show me someone that is good at something, and I'll show
>you someone who has spent a lot of his life doing that same thing...and
>I'll  probably say he is now intuitive doing it.
>More Later,
>Tom Cathey