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Re: [Fwd: Trading Programs & the law]

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

Dear Rick,
Thank you for your reply statement! Excellent.

Ethics (the foundation upon which the system of enforcement is based; called
Law) has parted ways a long time ago. Now the criminal has far more protection
afforded him by "The Law" than does the "law abiding" individual.

Not a matter of "what is right" (ethics), it is a matter of "how much money can
I get" by exercising "my rights" with "Law" ???

Where does it go from here?
See U
What's left when you have no mind or body? That is the Question.
mgj@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> If anyone feels their own work was disclosed without permission, you may want
> to consider giving my attourney a call.  He's a specialist in software
> intellectual property litigation, as well as how the internet works and how to
> find the pirate.
> He expressed a willingness to help anyone out in this matter.  You can reach
> him at ...
> I use him to nail anyone I find illegally distributing my own code.  In fact,
> the last settlement against a pirate was for $10,000.  Now that all my code is
> registered with the US copyright office, any further claims will be for at
> least $100,000.
> Again, I dislike fraud and piracy as much as anyone.  But there are
> ways to combat it.  Let's keep this forum within the law.   OK?
> - Mark Jurik

Rick wrote in response:
You, sir, are way out of line.  Just whom do you think you are referring a
to which you are not a party to your attorney?  If you have been personally
by postings to this list, then by all means, contact your lawyer and let the
offending party have it with both barrels.  Otherwise, butt out and mind your