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Re: License Agreement Clarification

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Hey "Code"....

The only thing I can say in the defense of Omega R. is that it looks
pretty suspicious with that "HotMail" address!  I would think you're
doing something wrong as well...  Any way just an observation!

I want you to know that it sickens me to admit I sided with Omega R.
on even the slightest issue..... yuck, yuck, yuck.....

"Code", I for one am 100% on your side, and I'm also glad my "2 cents"
were of some value to you!  It's almost pleasing to think that an
opinion with Omega R. almost means something??   Wow.... I think I'm
getting a little to intoxicated with myself.... Hold on.... "SLAP!!
SLAP!! SLAP!! .... OK, I feel better now!

>Janette, Please explain why the recipients of which I am
>one weren't sent a letter or at least a phone call to advise us
>of your so called mistake?
Yeh, right.... don't hold your breath dude!

>I must speak out and say that like so many other issues
>that you have been beat over the head with. You just
>finally buckled in under public pressure and did in fact
>'did' not make a mistake as you have been directed I'm
>sure to post here.
BANG!  BANG!  BANG! ..... Hit the NAIL on the head!!
Hey "Code", don't forget even Hitler admitted his mistakes and "short
comings", the only problem was... it was only moments before he DIED!!

See any similarities here??   ".... the end is near...." (the Doors)

>I will accept your apology though but 'I' don't believe it
>was a mistake on Omegas part but rather a retreat on
>a bad idea.
BINGO.... But "Code", you gotta get away from that "holding your
breath thing".....  Ya know what I mean??
It's just not good for you......

>There may not be as many as vocal as Mark Brown on the
>list but I can assure you there are many who feel the same
>violation and alienation he did.
TRUST ME.... Definitely more than you think!   The real thing of it
was, that M.B. did such a good job at speaking out, that no one else
had to!   I, for one feel no love lost due to the absence of M.B.,
however his absence has created a sort of "vacuum" as it were....
Personally, I think Omega R.'s actions in that incident lifted him to
a... dare I say it..... "martyr status?"

Also, on the subject of M.B.........  He was definitely a major
"liability" as far as the Omega-list was concerned!    However, on
that same note, one must admit..... he was a pretty good "asset" as
well....  'nough said!

>Your announcement of his dismissal as a Solution Provider
>and his dismissal from this list probably said more about
>your mindset professionally than any action I have ever
>seen a company take.
Hey.... That's Omega for ya!  .....(a real leader in it's field)
Wow........ don't we feel proud??

>The message rings loud and clear "Don't be a dissatisfied
>customer of Omega and be vocal" or we will crush you into
>a pulp.
"Code", I know they're in OJ-land (FL) and all, but I really think
you're giving them WAY TO MUCH credit on that "PULP thing!"

Dude, let's face it.... It ain't that big of a company!   I would
venture a guess, that this "class-action lawsuit" against them will
probably bankrupt them!

And as far as all you people out there are concerned about "when
they're going to come out with their next version?"....  The answer is
simple......... ASAP.......... how else do you think they're going to
finance this litigation??   Surely not with their tremendous inflow
of... NEW CUSTOMERS... Right!

>With the advent of the various new software out there that
>is 32 bit and year 2000 compliant and ownership can be
>transferred and has no password. I doubt I will upgrade to
>TradeStation  5.0 if it ever comes out.
That's the spirit.... Be a MAN!
Vote with your FEET!
I DID!!      Feels Good.... Doesn't It!!

>I would like to receive my promised year 2000 patch for the
>existing TS 4.0 that I have so now that I have permission
>for you 'I' can sell it to some nescient trader that doesn't
>know the whole story on you yet.
"Code",...... what have I told you??  STOP that breath holding thing
will ya.... you're just gonna end up passing out, falling down,
knocking yourself on the head and then forgetting all that "we"
accomplished here tonight!   OK, now stop it!

Hey, Hey, Hey.... You're beginning to turn BLUE!   STOP, right now!

>I'm sure I can count on you not to break the promised
>delivery of that patch.
Buddy.... as my son would say...... "DAH??"
"^!#%&#%()#(*&%#(@%#...... WHOOOO.... What comes after Blue??

>I also would like a'n' apology letter from the Gun
>Slingers you sent after me last week.
CALL 911.... we're entering a really pretty shade of "FUSCHIA?"

>They were very ugly threatening to take my computer
>equipment and all. Please if you have an answer and I'm
>pretty sure you wont to these questions. Post them here
>on the list for all to read, I don't want to be contacted
>anymore by private email by anyone associated with
>your company.
Hey "Code", all fun aside now....
That is some serious B.S.!
Quite frankly, if they did that crap to me.... LOOK OUT!   The SHI_
would hit the "proverbial" FAN!   You bet they would FEEL MY WRATH,
far more than they'd ever feel Mark Browns'!!

With that said, I know I had a little fun with you "Code", and trust
me, it was not at your expense!    I hope you enjoyed it, as well as
others probably had fun reading it!

Good Luck Sport, I hope this thing works out to you're satisfaction!
If not.... LET US KNOW!   We'll help ya out!
........... the "Omega Crusaders"

To all those concerned.... the above comments are obviously my own
opinion... again!

Enough said!
Have a Good Day & Happy Trading........  (with or without Omega stuff)