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Larry Williams' "Volatility Breakout System"

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I'm writing to ask for assistance from any of you guru 
code-writers out there.
I wrote to Equis support to ask if they could provide me with 
the necessary formulas for Larry Williams' "Volatility Breakout System". I 
provided them with a description which I found on the web (reproduced below). 
Equis wrote back with the message below. What I need to know is:
1) Have Equis come up with accurate English-language 
descriptions? (Any Williams experts out there? I do not have the knowledge to 
judge the accuracy.)
2) Can anyone save me $60 and benefit other group members also 
by taking up the challenge to code relevant explorations, indicators, experts 
There follows the description found on the web, and the reply 
from Equis.
As far as we are aware, the early groundwork for volatility-based 
tradingsystems was laid by Larry Williams in the early 1970's. He sold at 
leastthree systems based on the same technique, each at successively 
higherprices (one of them was called the Million Dollar System). Welles 
Wilder, inhis 1978 book New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems, 
reiterated theessential principles, as did Perry Kaufman in Commodity 
Trading Systems andMethods.After Williams a number of vendors sold 
systems based on the method, thebest known of which is probably the 
Volatility Breakout System offered byDoug Bry of Lakewood, Colorado. Anyone 
who is interested in reproducingand/or testing any of these volatility based 
systems should be aware of avery reasonably priced software package, Steve 
Notis' Trader’s Powerkit,that incorporates most, if not all, of the trading 
logic of the systems thatsold for many thousands of dollars.The 
Basics - Measuring VolatilityThe volatility-based trading systems all 
use the concept of range to definethe extent of recent market movement. The 
simplest definition of range isthe distance from high to low of any given 
time period. This is usually aday, but it could be a week or a month or even 
an intraday period measuredin minutes.This simple definition of 
range works fine most of the time, but it doesn'ttake into account days of 
extreme price movement. Limit days, for example,may have a very narrow 
range, but the market is obviously very volatile andvolatility is 
increasing. Similarly, a day when there is a gap opening andthe day's 
trading takes place outside the prior day's range is an example ofincreasing 
volatility, even if the actual range of the day is lessthan that of the 
prior day.Wilder recognized this problem and defined the True Range (TR) 
as thegreatest of the 
following:        1.   The 
distance from today's high to today's 
low.        2.   The distance 
from yesterday's close to today's 
high.        3.   The distance 
from yesterday's close to today's low.By itself, the True Range is still 
just an isolated number. To make itmeaningful, we must take a number of past 
days and find the mean, giving usan Average True Range (ATR). This is a 
direct measurement of marketvolatility. If the ATR is increasing, the market 
is becoming more volatile.If the ATR is decreasing, the market is becoming 
less volatile.How many days to use to produce the "best" ATR is a matter of 
conjecture.Wilder's original volatility formula (to be explained later) uses 
14 days,but most of the modern system sellers have optimized this variable 
and foundthat anywhere from 2 to 9 days was better. The most profitable (as 
measuredby Futures Truth) of these systems, the Volatility Breakout System, 
normallyuses only two days.How the Volatility Systems 
WorkAll of the popular volatility-based trading systems work on the 
principlethat a breakout or price spike outside of the recent Range or 
Average TrueRange is significant and should be used as a point at which to 
enter themarket. For example, let us say that the ATR for the last five days 
in theNYSE Composite futures is 1.00 points. We would be interested in a 
pricemove that is a percentage, say 150%, of the ATR from the prior day's 
close.This means that we would be buying or selling if prices moved 150% x 
1.00,or 1.50 points. If the prior day's close was 190.00, we would buy at 
191.50or sell short at 188.50.The two variables of the system 
are:        1) the number of days 
used to find the ATR        2) the 
percent move from the prior day's close that constitutes avalid 
breakout.Most of the system vendors and the presently available software 
rely onoptimization to decide which values to be used for each 
variable.As you may have deduced, the basic volatility breakout system 
is a reversalsystem that is always in the market. Each day after the close, 
calculate theATR, and then multiply it by the percent move necessary to 
trigger a trade.Add the result to the close, and you will get the point at 
which a buy willbe triggered the next day. Subtract the result from the 
close, and you willget the point at which a sell will be triggered. Enter 
both orders the nextday and you are in business.Comments and 
VariationsOne of the significant strategies of the basic system is that 
since you areeither long or short, there is no neutral area. The risk on any 
one trade issimply the difference between the entry point and the reversal 
point. Ifthey are both triggered on the same day or very close in time to 
oneanother, a whipsaw is the obvious result.  Perhaps more importantly, 
the risk on a trade depends entirely onrecent market volatility, which may 
or may not agree with a trader's walletsize or money management techniques. 
However, the market does not care aboutconforming to your money management 
techniques.  If you can not tolerate thehistorical volatility and 
potential drawdown of a certain stock or futuresmarket, then you should 
trade smaller lots or mini-contracts.Good trading systems are designed 
first to make money, and then, onlysecondly, to make the process as 
comfortable as possible by smoothing outpotential drawdowns. These two goals 
are always at odds.  Less risk (e.g.tighter stops) always produces less 
profit.  There is a limit to howcomfortable you can make a system and 
still show a profit.Another interesting aspect of volatility systems is 
that the entry point andthe reversal point will move away from each other if 
short-term volatilityincreases. It is easy to see how this could happen: the 
market moves, therange increases, and the stops are positioned farther and 
farther away fromeach other. This might tend to reduce whipsaws, but it can 
also increase theinitial risk on a trade after the trade has been 
entered.Volatility breakout systems are trend following systems.  
They are notdesigned for short term scalping for limited objective 
trading.  They aredesigned to get in on the really big moves and stick 
with them until theend.  As such it is necessary to expand the stops 
when the market heats up –even if that means increasing your initial 
stop.  The alternative is to bethrown out of a strongly developing move 
and then being faced with thedifficult task of finding a low-risk re-entry 
point.  The stronger the moveis the harder it will be to get back in, 
because a pull-back may not occuruntil it’s too late to catch the bulk of 
profits.  Therefore the best policyis to let the market determine the 
optimal placement of stops.Professionals trade many markets concurrently to 
achieve a smoother overallequity and reduce drawdown.Suggestions 
on Making It Work - FiltersThere is no question that they should always 
be in the right direction whena market is trending with enough volatility to 
be worth trading at all. Thereal difficulty, common to most trend-following 
approaches, is whipsaws whenthe markets have no trend and low 
volatility.Over a long period, markets will be alternately stagnant and 
dynamic withmost of the time spent in the stagnant mode. Similar to moving 
averagesystems, a volatility system set up for a trending market will not 
work wellin the sideways periods.Obviously, a filter is needed. We 
can suggest several. First, it is possibleto cut down the considerable 
initial risk on each trade by creating aneutral zone between long and short 
entry points.The simplest way to do this is to set a percentage risk 
stop that is smallerthan the percentage of the ATR that triggers the entry. 
For instance, in ourearlier example we had an ATR of 100 point in the NYSE 
Composite, and wewould buy on a move upward of 150% of this, or 150 
points.A tighter stop could be set by subtracting a smaller percentage 
of the ATRfrom the entry point. We are afraid that anything less than 100% 
of the ATRmight be classified as too close and subject to almost random 
whipsaws, butusing a number like 125% still gives a tighter stop level than 
our reversalpoint. If the risk stop is triggered, the system is now neutral 
until thesell reversal at 150% is hit, or until a new buy entry is 
reached.Another possible improvement might be to avoid trades when a 
market isacting poorly, especially when the volatility is unusually low. 
There maywell be 'windows' of optimum profitability for the ATR of each 
commoditywhere it is within acceptable boundaries, neither too high or too 
low. It issafe to assume that a stagnant market with a relatively small 
range willresult in losing trades, while a more volatile market will tend to 
be moreprofitable. The usual impulse is to re-optimize when the markets 
becomestagnant, but it might be more profitable in the long run to sit 
outcompletely during the quiet markets and wait until the ATR becomes more 
inline with what your system normally needs to be successful.A third 
possibility is to add an external filter, something that 
identifiesconditions that must be met before a breakout is taken. There are 
at leasttwo possibilities for this among readily available technical 
studies:DMI/ADX and CCI. Our regular readers are aware that we often mention 
that anupturn in Wilder's ADX signals that a market is trending. Try 
tradingvolatility breakouts only when the 18-day ADX is rising. (Up-Down 
Volatilityand Percent V serve a similar function).Similarly, a 
20-period CCI based on either monthly or weekly signals willalso tell you to 
what extent a market is trending over the longer term. Lookfor rapid 
acceleration of the CCI from its null or zero line; if thiscondition exists, 
the market is probably moving rapidly enough to makevolatility based trading 
highly profitable. (CCI and Bollinger Bands aredifferent views of the same 
study formula.)"
"Nick,I have read the article you 
supplied and have pulled from it the followingconditions.  Please read 
them and verify they are what you want to usefor your entry and exit 
conditions.Entry conditions:18-period ADX is risingtoday's 
high is some percent of the ATR greater than yesterday's high (for buys ) 
ORtoday's low is some percent of the ATR lower than yesterday's low ( 
forshorts )Exit conditions:an entry condition in the other 
directions ( a short signal when long ora buy signal when short ) ORthe 
price moves a percentage of the ATR against the position you are in.The 
article did not give set values for several of the factors 
listedabove.  These are:1) the percentage of the ATR required for 
the entry signal2) the number of periods used in calculating the ATR3) 
the percentage of the ATR used for the stopDo you have values you want to be 
used, or would you rather the systembe written to optimize on these 
values.  If you want it to optimizebased on these values, I will need 
you to specify the range you wantthem to cover (ie. check ATR time periods 2 
through 28).I need you to verify and respond to the above information 
because we arenot licensed financial consultants.  Writing trading 
systems can beconsidered offering financial advise so we err on the side of 
caution.After you have responded, I can most likely provide the system to 
youwithin a day or two.  The fee for this system will be around $60, 
unlesssome unforeseen technical difficulties arise."