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Re: Advance/Decline

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As 2 seperate, single securities.

The work-around I use for Indexes that only have Close-values for their data
periods, is to use the Close(C) values for the other 3 columns(O-H-L) as well.

This can be very "easy" achieved in Excel using a XLA-template, eg click New
to open a new sheet, or Open to change the Template and File|Save to save
the changes made.

In an open new sheet, Paste the Close-values in a column, i.e. column D, and
select this whole column, click Edit|Copy and click Edit|Paste (or Insert|Insert).
(actualy to have to do this daily is a pain, tho).

This latter part from "select this whole column" onwards, can be ommited,
by having cells automatically calling on other cells (text) values (this is done
by typing the formula, =D1, in cell E1 and where cell D1 contains the Pasted
Closing values.
A formula =D1, now present in cell F1, would also return the Close from
cell D1 and =D1 put in cell G1 would naturally do the same in cell G1.
All four cells, D1 to G1 will now have the O-H-L-C values ready for the Downloader.

However, this sheet is not complete yet.
In cell A1 you would have to type (or Paste) the tickercode, in cell B1 the D for the
securities' Periodicity and the date, eg using the yymmdd sequence, like 990507,
should then be typed (or Pasted) in cell C1.    
Cell H1 should get the volume (minimum is zero), eg 0, and the last cell I1 should
get the Open Interest. This ASCII-format is known as the 7-column data format
+ 2 pre-fixed columns (ticker+periodicity).
Save the sheet as a Text-document(.txt), it will get saved in the TAB-seperated values
format, and Open in Word.

In Word, click Edit|Replace and Select a full empty stroke of a line, eg a stroke that is
visable white and present between 2 data items in a datarecords-line.
By Selecting this stroke(=TAB) it will get blackened, then float the mouse-pointer over it
and at the same time 1x right-click the mouse and click Copy.
Click Edit|Replace and hit the Ctrl+V keys on the keyboard to paste the still
invisable TAB value to the Find+Replace dialog window. Click Replace All to the delete
all of the TAB-strokes in the file. Click the X-button on the top-right to close the file (and
to close Word) and click YES to Save the changes made to the file.

Run the Downloader to Convert the file.

The above procedures can be automated using Excel's VBA-capacities or better
using the AutoIt or ScriptIt programs. Both programs are explained on my web-site
and one day I might be able to get around to make a special Metastock/Excel-section,
i.e. where the inter-acting between these 2 programs are much better described (then
to what can be found in the manuals or in faq's on both the originator's websites).      

Ton Maas
Dismiss the ".nospam" bit (including the dot) when replying.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lloyd Frederick Nicholas <omega50@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: vrijdag 7 mei 1999 13:09
Subject: Re: Advance/Decline

> I obtain each day the number of advancing and declining issues on the
> Australian Stock Exchange, along with total volume. The absolute value
> of A-D, and the A/D ratio give two different numbers. How would one plot
> them in MetaStock? The Downloader requires OHLC.
> Thanks for any help.
> Lloyd Nicholas