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RE: [amibroker] Starting AB with different data bases: for Herman vdB

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Thank you Joe and fred, i am not that efficient in scripts but I will have a look at it.
best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Landry [mailto:jelandry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 7:26 AM
To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Starting AB with different data bases: for Herman vdB

Herman -  This may apply as a starting point.  You could use a short Jscript or VBScript to launch Ambroker and point it to the appropriate database, like eSignal data, IB, QP2.
I've set up Jscript icons that launch various backtesting scripts/routines, and in these scripts I can specify the database that you would like Ambroker to use. In my case I was
launching AA but think this could be made to work 
In your case, you could launch AB, then point it to the script and exit the script.  In the readme for ver 4.30, I think some new properties were set out and here's
how to launch and confirm the database you loaded.  
 Best regards
NEW in AmiBroker version 4.30:

new method in Quotations collection for faster retrieval of quotes
long Retrieve( long Count, Variant *Date, Variant *Open, Variant *High, Variant *Low, Variant *Close, Variant *Volume, Variant *OpenInt );

new property Broker.Application.DatabasePath
new method: Broker.Application.LoadDatabase( Path )
new method: Broker.Application.SaveDatabase()

Example VBScript code (Windows Scripting Host):

Set oAB = CreateObject("Broker.Application")

WScript.Echo( "Current path to database is " + oAB.DatabasePath )

if oAB.LoadDatabase("c:\program files\amibroker\data") = True then
WScript.Echo( "succesfully loaded new database" )
end if

WScript.Echo( "Current path to database is " + oAB.DatabasePath )


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 3:38 AM
Subject: [amibroker] Starting AB with different data bases

would anybody know how to create different icons on the DeskTop that start AB with different databases? I would like a variety of icons to start of with, for example, IB data, eSignal data, QP2 data, Tick data, etc. So that on start up they are loaded with relevant code/Indicators and data base.
thanks for any ideas!

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