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RE: [amibroker] Re: Yo Chuck ... Regarding Staying within Hedge contract boundaries ...

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prefer scenario #1, thanks.
  <FONT face="Times New Roman" 
  size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Fred 
  [mailto:fctonetti@xxxxxxxxx]Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 4:17 
  AMTo: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSubject: [amibroker] Re: 
  Yo Chuck ... Regarding Staying within Hedge contract boundaries 
  ...Chuck,Ok here's the deal ... I understand 
  the desire to be able to deal with the percentage(s) in a dynamic way and 
  given that the parameters are defined in the main AFL and will therefore I 
  think be "global" you may very well be getting what you ask for if you set 
  and/or reset them in the scoring function.But that aside for a 
  moment ... I can do either of the scenarios I outlined in my last post 
  without having to constrict you to 50/50 ... the question is which would 
  you prefer ...In scenario 1 ... you pick one number ... say 50 and it 
  will keep investments between 75/25 and 25/75 i.e. within 50% of each 
  other  but it won't care whether you are long 75% or short 75% or 
  anywhere in between, it will take positions in securities based on the 
  order they are ranked in as long as that doesn't violate whatever the 
  parameter value is ...Scenario 2 ... you pick two numbers ... say 
  80 and 50 and it will constrain the longs to be between those two 
  percentages of total investements ...All of the above assumes 
  there are enough candidates on whichever side that have been ranked.  
  If there aren't the balance goes to cash until there are.Keep in 
  mind which ever scenario you pick and even if you can change these from 
  the scoring function that the trading routines will NOT instantly close 
  positions to get in line with the new percentage(s), they will only do so 
  as positions are exited based on scoring.and ... I don't care if you 
  ask questions as to how something will  work or should work or you 
  want to work, but I don't assume when I ask you a question that someone 
  elses answer is the sme as your answer, again for the same reasons stated 
  earlier.Fred--- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Chuck 
  Rademacher" <chuck_rademacher@x> wrote:> I will try very hard 
  to answer your questions in as much detail as possible,> without 
  asking another question.> > I would like to be able to 
  dynamically indicate what percentage of available> funds can be 
  applied to long trades and what percentage could be applied to> 
  short trades.> > The reason that I say "dynamically" is because 
  I would like to be able to> change the ratio from (say) 75% long 
  when the trend is up and 25% long when> the trend is down.> 
  > That is what I would like to do.   I would be satisfied 
  with being> constrained to always being 50% long and 50% short.> 
  > I can do something in my AFL to make sure that you always have 
  enough buy> and short signals to satisfy the minimum number of 
  positions to have on in> each direction, even if the ticker I use 
  is for a bond-type of fund.> > >   
  -----Original Message----->   From: Fred 
  [mailto:fctonetti@xxxx]>   Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 3:26 
  AM>   To: amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>   
  Subject: [amibroker] Re: Yo Chuck ... Regarding Staying within 
  Hedge> contract boundaries ...> > 
  >   Chuck,> >   Please don't answer 
  questions with questions ... what I'm looking for>   is a 
  specification that you'll be satisfied with and given that 
  the>   work is gratis as opposed to what would have been 
  charged several>   hundred dollars an hour for in days gone 
  by I think this is a>   reasonable request.  Even if it 
  wasn't free I'd still want the specs>   before I did the 
  work.  I've dealt with users long enough 
  regardless>   of how sophisticated they are or think they 
  are to know that usually>   if you assume what they want 
  based on a few general statements that>   they make 
  rather than asking direct questions that you wind up>   
  designing stuff they never use and then having to do it again 
  and>   given that I'd rather be spending time scuba diving in 
  the Caribbean>   or a hundred other things I can think of 
  instead of writing s/w I'd>   really hate to write and 
  have to do it again ...> >   With regards to market 
  neutral capabilities are you wanting to have a>   single 
  parameter where you can specify a field like>   
  MarketNeutralTolerance which would be interpretted as follows ...> 
  >   0  - Implies there's no freedom that you must be 
  long/short 50/50 ...>   50 - Implies that there's 50% 
  freedom so long/short 75/25 would be>   okay but so would 
  long/short 25/75> >   or is what you are wanting to 
  have two parameters where you can>   specify the 
  MarketNeutralMaxLongPct and MarketNeutralMinLongPct 
  which>   would keep long side investments between the two 
  assuming there were>   sufficient long candidates and 
  then shorts would be allowed to fill>   in the 
  gaps.> >   TIA, Fred> > 
  >   --- In amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Chuck 
  Rademacher">   <chuck_rademacher@x> 
  wrote:>   > Perhaps this is the question you want answered 
  by me?>   >>   > As far as your 
  request for having market neutral capability goes>   within 
  a>   > particlar portfolio that is certainly doable but I 
  need to have an>   answer to>   > my 
  other question which is what to do with $ when a 
  sell/cover>   happens and>   > there are 
  no remaining ranked candidates to chose from that have>   
  their>   > "eyes" on a trade in the same market direction 
  as the one that was>   just>   > 
  exited.>   >>   > Is the scenario you 
  are questioning any different from one where I>   
  simply>   > don't have any buy signals at all in a "long" 
  only system?>   Since "b" and I>   > both 
  primarily use a timing approach, we are in the market 
  (long),>   just over>   > half the 
  time.   Therefore, there will be quite a few 
  instances>   where we>   > will have 
  exited long positions and don't wish to take new ones.>   
  >>   > If this is a problem for PT, we could certainly 
  automatically shift>   the>   > money 
  (using our own AFL logic) into a known money market or 
  bond>   fund and>   > PT wouldn't 
  know the difference.   Of course, in this case we 
  would>   either>   > have to 
  automatically increase the amount invested in one>   
  instrument or have>   > multiple instruments (albeit some 
  may be fake) to handle multiple>   > transactions for 
  the usual amount being invested in normal stocks.>   
  >>   > I hope this makes sense.  This is a fairly 
  complex subject and the>   English>   
  > language, even if it's my only language, can be a challenge 
  at>   times.> > 
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