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Re: [amibroker] Re: settings

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Thank you again for the suggestions. I really like 
My reply was rather general in nature andI was 
just trying to show my way of thinking
about the development process <FONT 
face=Tahoma size=2>to all the users. 
Best regards,Tomasz Janeczko===============AmiBroker - the 
comprehensive share manager.<A 
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 8:52 
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: 

Please be aware that my last email wasn't implied any 
request but just suggestion or proposed direction !
Furthermore, I wasn't waiting for a promise to have this in 
near future release. Only your judgment will decide which suggestion willbe 
ignore, plan or developed for a future release !
Also Excel reference was just related to the way tab sheet 
could work but not as the overall GUI.

Thanks again for your reply and your excellent work 
----- Original Message ----- 
Tomasz Janeczko 

To: <A title=amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 12:38 
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: 

Thank you for these suggestions. While they 
are welcome and very useful, please allow
me to comment why I choose certain 
implementation over another.
We all know applications like Excel, Word and 
other "office-standard" ones.
They are written by hundreds of developers. 
Sometime ago I was a part
of 40-people development team in Florida-based 
company (much, much, much smaller
than Microsoft :-) ). In 40-people team 
there were people that worked for
months exclusively on small 
user-interface details. This is thecase for 
all the companies
selling ten thousands copies (or more) of the 
Implementing fancy user interface features 
*IS* time consuming.
For AmiBroker things look different -I don't 
have a hundred developer team here <FONT face=Tahoma 
I always have to find a balance <FONT 
face=Tahoma size=2>between time needed to implement certain feature 

and the "coolness" of features. I cannot 
spend three weeks to develop "the most
fancy chart sheets in the 
world". Sometimes a little bitsimpler 
(or limited) implementation
takes much, much less time.If this 
is interface-only issue I sometimes would prefer it.
I am always trying to provide essential things 
first that decide on analytical power of AmiBroker -
later I can improve the user interface and add 
some cool features (which you can live
without for a while). I belive that traders 
are very intelligent people that can see
the raw power of the software puttingmuch 
less attention to "bells and whistles". 
Belive me I am doing my best - for example I 
have developed syntax highlighting editor
within 5 days - something that takes a 
month for the others.
I am always saying that AmiBroker will be 
improved constantly and I can confirm this
once again. Your suggestions are being 
implemented all the time, but since
my resources are limited not everything will 
be ready within a month.
Best regards,Tomasz Janeczko===============AmiBroker - the 
comprehensive share manager.<A 
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A 

Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 
4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: 

Here are my 2 cents suggestion about the sheets, the 
indicator list and the GUI. In general, I think 
it's best to avoid any predefined limit in any part of the 
1) For the multiple sheet they can behave like Excel or 
other program
a) Non predefine number of sheet, user can add and 
remove them
b) Split separation between tab and scroll bar can be 
dynamically move
c) If all tab can't be display small arrow can beuse to 
scroll tabs left and right
e) Option to place the scrollbar beside (like it is now) 
or on top of the sheet tabs
2) For the indicator list:
a) Instead of having a fixed list of Indicator, why not 
having a tree view like the stock list. 
b) This view could be directly link to an afl file, and 
wouldn't have to reload the file each time you change the script. Some 
script could stay in memory but I think it's better to related to the 
script on file only because we never sure which afl is more current 
(the one on the file or the ones on memory).
c) Formula editing window could be separate from Setting 
and ALL setting could be overnight inside AFL.
d) When Right click on the item of the list, a menu 
could appear to decide if we want to edit the script, change the setting, 
add the indicator, run exploration, etc..
e) Modular script writing with #include style AND 
reusable function definition 
f) We can also have a separate small 
list for Auto-Analysis and Commentary. The list could be a simple combo 
box to quickly choose a AFL. This list will be user configurable by using 
the full tree view list as the source.
g) An option to toggle off the "Always on top" ofthe 
different dialog would also be useful.
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <A 

Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 3:57 
Subject: Re: [amibroker] Re: 
Hello Dimitris,Text tool - this is "side 
effect" of "snap to price". Switch it offbefore using Text 
tool.This will be of course fixed in the next version.Custom 
indicators sorting - will be added in 3.80More sheets - I am 
considering this but there must be some placeleft for the scrollbar 
:-)Best regards,Tomasz 
Janeczkoamibroker.com----- Original Message ----- From: 
<amibroker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Sent: 12 October, 2001 
09:41Subject: [amibroker] Re: settingsHi Tomasz,Will 
you add some more sheets with 3.80.?(Existing 4 cover nearly the 
half of the job)Any chance for Custom Indicators sorting?Text 
tool is not working properly with 3.76. When I write a letter in RSI 
graph at 30 position, it is placed at 5.8, which is the close value 
for that date. Then I have to enter properties dialog and change 
position. Is ot possible to fix it?Best regardsDimitris Tsokakis 
--- In amibroker@xxxx, "Tomasz Janeczko" <amibroker@xxxx> 
wrote:> Hello,> > Currently this works like that, 
but in the 3.8 the settings> will not be affected.> 
> Best regards,> Tomasz Janeczko> 
amibroker.com> > ----- Original Message -----> 
From: "Brian Salter" <saltyla1@xxxx>> To: "AMINewsgroup" 
<amibroker@xxxx>> Sent: 12 October, 2001 08:15> 
Subject: [amibroker] settings> > > 
T.J.>   When trying to override "Maximum Loss Stop" 
and> "Profit Target" settings through a formula when> 
running SCAN it overwrites what I had set in the> "Settings" 
dialog box. My original settings in the> dialog box are not 
restored when exiting AA or even> AB.> Thankyou for a 
Great Program,> Brian> > > > Your use 
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